Chapter 5: New day, New start

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This is the longest chapter till now!
Enjoy the story💃🏻

You got the honey, I got the bunny
See you late at night,
Why you keep upsetting me
I have no interest in you,
Why don't you get that by now.....


I stopped the alarm that was ringing for the 10th time now, for heaven's sake. It was annoying. I like the song but early in the morning it eats my head up.

Last night, I got pretty late. Not only because I started late from the office but also for 'the incident' that took place. I was shaken up by the whole thing last night and I didn't share anything yet about it with anyone.

I remember, after I reached home I took Kathrine from grams, changed into my normal clothes and went straight for the bed. I had no energy to even take a shower!"

Grams is my neighbour and she is one I trust kathrine with if I'm ever in emergency. And the best part is she doesn't mind to help me as she knows my past and present and she is quite sassy and open.

I stretched my whole body and went up to see Kathrine in her cot already woken up and smiling like a bee as if ready to disturb her mama early morning.
I gave her a small kiss on her forehead and went to do my morning chores.

While brushing my teeth I was thinking what exactly happened last night. It wasnt an ordinary night actually I would say otherwise I wouldn't be thinking about it till now.

The way my car came crashing right through him that I'm sure off, he should have fainted and hospitalised by now. Having deep cuts and marks all over. Instead he had small cuts and his face had nothing on it just a little concussion what he was dealing with.

The colour of his eyes changing! I'm sure that was not a miss on my side.

How was that even possible? How can his wounds can't be deep? Am I imagining? It's good and I'm happy too that he wasn't hurt but still man how can this happen!

Thinking and overthinking gave my head a big headache, which I wasn't quite fan off. I completed my chores, brushed teeth, took bath, changed and now changing kathrines cloth and she is smiling like my sweet child, as she always has been to me.

'mama mama mama.....fod...ood' said Kathrine.
She is still learning to pronounce the words quite clearly but fails at times. I'm happy that atleast she tries to do so.

"Ooh my baby, my sweetheart, what does my little honey wants to have today? Is it mild or cereal or both?" And after asking her I kissed her head getting a giggle in response from her.

'how can I get such an adorable child in my life.'

'And how can I get to be inside someone's brain like you! What good deeds I must have done to be here today!' mocked mini.

'how come your so early mini, I thought bed was comfy'. I said mocking back.

' It would have been, if that man was here last night ' said mini with a smirk and my eyes widened.

"How can you be so shameless." I shouted at no one in particular when grams walked in shocked and Katherine was almost about to cry untill I gave her the love she wants, to get over her emotional breakdown.

I was more than embarrassed that too early in the morning.

"Whats wrong simony? Why so angry that too early in the morning that you almost made my baby girl cried?" Asked grams, cooing kath.

"It's nothing grams. It's just too much wor--" I couldn't complete my statement as grams interrupted.

"Don't give me that silly! Do I look that old to you that you cook up such lies infront of me?" Said angry grams.

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