Chapter 20: Fear to loose you

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Suzane's P.O.V

My head was throbbing real hard as if someone was hitting it with a hammer again and again. I tried opening my eyes but failed. They felt heavy. Like I was bind to keep them close.

I stopped trying, afterall it was waste of energy for me. I tried shifting only to feel someone next to me. Someone was holding my hands.

Whom was I kidding, I'm in a literal cellar with no help, and ofcourse he won't be there to help me out of there. I just gave up that thought. When I tried moving on the other side I felt a hand on my waist.

"Not so early baby, you still need some rest." Was all I heard.

I think I heard it right with my ears still mundanely functioning well afterall.

"Leave me" my voice was harsh as if it has gone dry with no water in the system.

"Baby take some water, you are very weak right now and it's better if you are on bed rest this way you can get your energy too." This was it.

It's Caden.

But what was he doing here. I couldn't bare myself to see him next to me let alone help me with my current condition for which he is the one to be held responsible for.

I again tried opening my eyes and this time I didn't fail. Slowly they fluttered open only to see a very tired and red eyes Caden. Seems like he hasn't slept not eaten for day's.

Why do I anyways care about it. I just need to get rid of him after what he has done to me.

"I think I said I want to be left alone." This time I said with a little anger.

His expression changed and he seemed annoyed. Ofcourse, the boy comes with a short temper gift in hand.

He held my arms, tight enough to leave marks
I looked daringly at him, still the pain was there

"I am trying to be nice, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me that way."

Okay, fair enough, now I'm equally scared of this man as he looks crazy annoyed by my statement.

I just took a deep breath and sat there for a minute in silent.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to come out like that, but try to get me here, I'm not trying to hurt you. All I want you is to trust me." He said , so calmly.

"Trust you? Seriously? As in trust that person who just literally kidnapped me off my place along with my daughter in just one night? Good one" I snapped at him, this time I was real deal mad at him.

He growled lowly, but then looked back at me.

By now I must have tears in my eye I don't know how but I do have them.

"Listen to me suzane, I only brought you home is because you are my mate and I really care and love literally everything about you. I need you to trust me. I know what I did with you was wrong but you calling on us like that aggriviated me, so I put you through all these which I didn't mean too."
He whimpered literally while saying all those things to me.

I can't imagine this but seriously when he says my name like that I do feel a little uneasiness in my pit. I don't know what that is but I do like that feeling.

It's like I'm feeling that way after a long time. After him, after a long time.

Why am I even remembering that man who doesn't deserve my time and space in brain cells. He was a mistake but the life he happened to throw at me was incredible journey with kath.

Kath! Shit? Where is she?

I haven't seen her since I have come here, where the hell is she? She would have screamed her lungs out if she would have seen me by now!

Goodness christ! I hope his anger didn't get the best of him and he did something stupid to her.

I think Caden got what I was about to say so he just clarified the air and the tension.

"God forbid girl stop overthinking you know for omce, give it some rest. Just so you know I have the ability to read minds and may how bad angry I am, I or my wolf will never let any harm come to her. Couldn't believe you just said that!"

He cleared things out and said the last part very lowly and ai felt guilty, a little bit for that matter.

"I didn't say anything you read my mind" I smiled back.

"Whatever, She is with mum and Iry right now. She is loved by all of us alot. She is adorable.....just like you" I looked up at him when he said that. It made a beat skip in my heart.

"Thanks for the care" I said, feeling peace in mind.

I just felt special in so many ways.

Man this boy could actually make me feel things which I think I have waited for, for some time now.

"Fine, likewise you say and I trust you in the matter. But you need to know I just won't be blindly falling for what you are going to say. I want to use my own wisdom too" I said with all sterness in my voice but seems like he was in a mood of joke

"You have the brain there still in your skill?" He said and I just threw a pillow at him which made both of us laugh.

"Rude and yes I do have." With that there goes another blow from my side.

Soon we were pillow fighting and thankfully non torn, as I would feel real bad if any did since they are really soft and comfy to sleep on.

I soon realised that I was sitting on his lap when him grinning out of the window and me well I was just resting. I kept my forehead on his chest just enduring the time and the position we were on.

I think trust is very important and if I really feel for him which I certainly do I think then I guess I should give him a chance to be what he wants to show me he is like. After all that's the whole point of all this mess to begin with.

Hey guys!

This is my first work on wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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