Chapter 18: It's a long night

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This is the longest chapter I have written so far, I hope you enjoy.

It's been a while since Caden left me back here. The room did seemed spooky from outside but the moment I entered it was like a normal prisoners room but a decent one I would say.

In a small corner there was a bathroom like mini walls made where I could use the toilet, the wash basin was beside the toilet and on the other corner was my bed. The room was a small sqare room all sized up together.

The bed had a plane white sheet and it definitely looked like a death person sleeping over here. I could see a window a little bove my head over the wall. I thought I can make through it since I'm petite so I tried shifting myself and positioning well on the bed and peeked out.

It was late at night and everything looked dar but I'm pretty sure I can't make through this wi Dow and escape since it's like I'm on fifth floor. I'm not gonna make without breaking my bones.

I was shit worried about Kathrine. From the look on his face and as far I have known him he won't hurt her or do anything but then again, I don't know what kind of a person he is.

At first he claims to be my lover and the next moment I know I'm sitting in a closed room with nothing but a shitty bed and toilet in.

I guess I have to wash my hair in the wash basin.

'asshole, you better watch out when I come out.' I cursed under my breath as I was fuming with anger and what he has done to me.

'luna, the food is here please have it.' a man came and said in such a fast speed before I could even speak or understand what he was talking about.

He came and left at the speed of lightening. I just signed. I don't understand what's happening here. Looking at the tray that contained the food, sandwich, and a juice glass with a bottle of water, I didn't feel like eating at all.

I just turned around and slept on my bed as I was too tired to do anything now after all the drama that happened.

After sometime when I opened my eyes I saw the food tray wasn't there, I guess they understood and took it away. Great. I slept back again now not bothering who came and who didn't.

Cadens P.O.V

I was sleeping like a log, and not caring what's going on. Today was my day off from all my duties so I slept like a panda not caring about anything.

I snuggled more into the tiny stuff toy that I seem have slept with throughout the night. It's soft and reminds me of suzane her scent is amazing. I can frown in that for whole day.

I tried bringing it close when I felt something wetting my fingers.

Can stuff toys pour liquid?

Anyways I didnt bother. I again went back to sleep and decided to wake up and hour later.

Again some time later I felt soft sponge sticking my wrist. Alright now that's it. Why kind of a stuff toy is it now?

I was getting annoyed when I remembered I had a little creature awake by my side and eating my hands off.


I forgot she slept with me only, and that now she is awake. I looked at the time, hell it's only 4:35 am in the morning.

You gets up this early?

Even when I was a baby I made sure I was asleep and so were my other stupid siblings ensuring not to disturb me and my beauty nap. And here this little one is eating my fingers off and not making nh attempt to let go of it.

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