Chapter 7: New life to begin with

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I woke up with a thought that today will be a good day for me. Atleast better than what I have been going through till now. I woke up too see my baby kath smiling at me. I got up did my morning chores and then went to kiss my baby girl and after that I bathed her too.

After we both got changed and dressed for the day, I went to call grams for breakfast. Since the last night events were quite dreadful for me so I couldn't yet forget it and thought to keep my mouth shut for the whole being.

"Is everything alright suzane?" Asked grams placing her soft palms on my hands.

I nodded at her, and she also understood that I'm in no mood to talk right now.

"I will be travelling today to my daughter's place so till evening I will be there with Katherine and after that my maid will come whom I trust so you need not to worry as we both know her for 15yrs now. So she will look after kath when I will be gone. Is that fine with you?" Asked grams with hopefulness.

"Yeah, I don't have any problem. After all we all know her so won't be a trouble for me.
And also kath is well acquainted with her. So I don't see any problem." I said with a sign.

She just nodded and left with kath while I kissed her forehead and left for my office. Today is going to a hectic day. After two days Mr. Smith is returning and he will be really worked up since there are alot of documents that he needs to sign.

During office hours:-

I was typing on my laptop when my head started pounding. It was 5pm in the evening and I was working for the past 6hrs constantly on the laptop without any break.

I decided to co to the nearby cafeteria and buy myself a coffee to soothe my temples otherwise they will break and blast at any moment.

'you really need a break and get some rest.' said mini being concerned.

'Im glad you are alive as I didn't hear you voice till now. And since when did you started getting so worried about me?'. I said back to her

'I'm not worried about you girl it's just that, when your head hurts I can't rest too. Otherwise there was no issue.' she spat back.

How come my freaking brain in so smart other than me where we both are one single person after all.

'Its good to know that you realised that I'm smarter than you.' mini mocked.

I signed and went down stairs. When I came out of the office and crossed the road to reach the cafeteria I felt as if someone was watching me. I turned to see the same man whom I helped in the woods.

Earlier I would have said hi but now I feel damm scared even looking at him. For some unknown reason.

I straight away went into the cafeteria and got my coffee and was about to leave when that so called creepy man came right in front of me.

"Y-yes?" I asked being a little scared. Since he did look deadly creepy when he came in front of me. But so he looked hot like be was handsome I mean.

He didnt say just stood there and started at me when suddenly he took me by hold and pulled me closer and started sniffing me.

At first I thought he was going to forcefully kiss me but this turned out to be something else only

"What the hell mr. Are you doing? Don't you have any shame of doing such acts infront of the public?" I asked getting infuriated by his stupid acts.

Even if someone wants to ask you on a date who asks like this like hell.

"If I am being shameless it means that I don't care what the others think about me. It's just about what I think about you baby girl." He said with a smirk.

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