Chapter 17: Punishment

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Katherine was with Iris and Marcus, seems like they were having a good time together. I didn't want to disturb them so I came back to my room. I was waiting for Caden by the window when I saw him coming through the door.

Even before I could give him the chance to come and explain the situation I Just had to bombard him with questions.

"What is all this? I need an explanation." I said all stern in my tone.

"I'm a hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire." He said

"I don't care what you ar....." I was saying when I realised what he exactly said. Those words instilling in my head.

Did he just say a werewolf?

What is this a comic book we are reading and making funny jokes.

"This ain't funny Caden." I fumed.

"I'm not joking either." He said all straight.

I felt a little scared and the shiver that I got, he noticed. His eyes showed hurt and pain of me being scared of him even more.

"My family and this whole pack is a werewolf pack. We are known as the bluemoon pack. My dad currently retired from the position of alpha and so I'm the hand in ruler for this pack. My brother Marcus is the beta he too is like us like me I would say instead a hybrid both a vampire and a werewolf. My mom is a vampire and my dad a werewolf that's why I'm a hybrid along withy younger brother."

He explained and the more I heard him the more the colour from my face was draining. This all had to be some kind of joke since I can't live like this.

"I want to go home now." I said desperately.

"You are at your home sweetheart, this is your home and I'm the one you will have from now on."

"No I mean my own home. I want to go back to my home right away. I can't stay here with you people, you are animals, you are different from my own kind, I can't trust you and stay with you is a far more thing right now."

I can see his eye colours turn. Seems like he is having an i ternal battle with himself.

Within few seconds I see myself, totally slammed on the bed, my legs hanging down with him pressing his knees in between my legs and me feeling the strength of his hands on my neck as the other hand caressed my waist and held them right later.

"You don't get to talk like that about my family about my pack." He hissed.

"Why not, when all you do is behave like an animal all the time."

"Your crossing your limits Suzanne."

I could hear the cold message but the least I cared for fucks sake. He has been over me now and then and what does he think that I will be sitting around and listening to him

"Look I don't care and the last thing I would care about is me living with animals and sleeping with one in the same roo--....." Before I could continue he pulled me in the heat of the moment and took me some place I had no idea where.

He was taking me down the hallway and seemed to me a little shady. We were now way away from those luxury but in a plain scary place. I don't know what to say about this place since it's dark and I don't think anyone loves here.

Why did he bring me here?

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I hissed in ain't when he twiched my wrist harder than I expected it to.

"Let go of me, don't you understand, let me g-..." He threw me in a room which was dark but had a window above. It had a little light coming through there but as the night passes the area will dim.

"Seems like you really have no way to get hold of that big mouth so you will be staying here up untill I think you have learnt your lesson." With that he closed the door shut on my face.

"Doroth, make sure no one gets to come close to this door, and also that in no fucking way she gets out of here. Feed her and let her be. Is that understood?" He said in a very stern voice which scared me too.

Now even I had tears in my eyes. I don't wanna be here alone that too.

"Please, just stop. Fine I apologize for what all I said but just me get out of here.You can't keep me here like this." I broke at the end.

He looked me in the eye, I could see pain but he didn't say a word instead just left me there.

Fine if that's what you want then see what I do to. I won't let you love peacefully either.

The war is on Caden.

You brought this upon yourself. I will bring hell in your life.

Cadens P.O.V

I felt bad that I left my mate there all alone but she too was getting on my nerves. When she called me out for leaving her there I really could see she was scared.

Obviously I'm not that bad to eave her there alone, I will occasionally check otherwise no one in my family will let me sleep on my own bed.

I promised her in my mind that I will look after Katherine till she is completing her apology tast. I smiled at the thought that I will get to spend some time with Kathrine too. She seemed very young though as if suzane was young, very young when she had her.

I went upstairs. The place I kept her was creepy but it was not those cells where we locked our prisoners. That's something I will never do to my lovely mate. It's a place for family where they are enclosed in case of any offense they have caused, just like her calling my pack, my family an animal that too straight face.

I went to our room just to see her phone vibrating. Seems like someone has been on and off with her. I picked her phone to check. She didn't have any password though.

I clicked on the top most message. It said it was from Mr. Jonathon (boss) well boss means her work one. I saw the text and frowned.

'suzane where have you been, it's already two days since I got any text or response from your side! Is everything okay?'

Why does he care. I texted him back

'dont worry I'm fine'

'you sure?'

'ofc I am, do I look like I'm joking?'

Why the hell is her boss so irritating.
Can't help get it, I want to get over this this dam thing and move to my baby girl.

'hey! You don't seem in the mood.'

'yes coz I got my period.'

'ooh, I'm sorry anything you need?'

Yeah you to shut up, for fucks sake. I mumbled under my breath.

'good night' with that I kept that phone away and went to iris room to get Katherine from her.

She was all cuddled up with my sister when I entered the room and both of them were sleepy. I gently took katherin away from her and took her to my room. I kept her beside me and slept holding her. She reminds me of suzane.

Hey guys!

This is my first work on wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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