Chapter 4

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“Where are we going?” Fern whispered, following Aegon blindly

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“Where are we going?” Fern whispered, following Aegon blindly.
“Be quiet.”
“No. Tell me where we're going.”
“It's a surprise.” He said, pulling her hand.
She huffed, running along to keep up with him.
Around them it was dark and dim. She had heard dripping a while back but it'd stopped. Wet rocks were replaced with towering stone walls and narrowing corridors.
They'd begun to pass doors – stone doors, hidden inside the walls. And, from behind some of them, distant voices could be heard.
Men and women alike.
Some shouting. Some laughing. Some doing... Other things.
She'd been busy looking around, trying to guess where in the seven hells they were, when Aegon stopped and she bumped right into him.
He turned to her, looking somewhat amused, then pushed a stone door open.
He pulled her inside.
Fern stumbled in as the door closed behind her, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.
In all her life, she'd never seen such a place. Opulence and wonder.
The room was huge, paintings along the wall that likely took some poor artist moons.
A large window stood at one end, a breeze blowing through sheer curtains that swooped inside like a dole of doves.
Gods, the room was fit for eleven or twelve people. And yet there was only one bed.
One giant, glorious, bed with posts and sheets that probably cost more than everything she owned.
In the corner, there was a cabinet of wine beside a wardrobe. A fireplace sat on the far end.
And it dawned on her quickly where she was.
“I can't– you brought me to the Red Keep?”
“I brought you to my room. I don't think it's fair that I always come to you.” He shrugged, wandering straight towards the wine.
Not looking back at her, he poured out two glasses.
“I'm not– I can't be here. I'm– I–”
“You wouldn't be the first whore within these walls, Perzītsos.”
“I know that, you twat. But not girls like me. They're... They're much higher brow than I could ever–”
“You're as high brow as it gets.” Aegon said, passing her over a glass. She accepted it, staring down at the smooth red liquid within. “You're mine.
She frowned, taking a sip of the wine. “By the Mother! What is this made of? Grapes of the heavens?”
He laughed, taking her hand and pulling her over to sit on the bed. He watched her as she stared about the room, taking in every detail, and smiled.
She was always beautiful, but there was something he particularly liked about that look of amazement on her face.
“You should come with me everywhere. It would make things in the Keep far more tolerable.”
“I can't follow you around the Keep forever.” She laughed, though in truth the idea sounded incredible.
“One day. If we don't run away and become fishermen.”
“Fishermen is it now? I thought we were being pirates.”
“That too. Whatever you wish to do.” He said. 
Fern took another sip of her wine, kicking her feet up onto the bed.
Gods, it was comfortable.
Like lying on a cloud.
“What if I wanted to become a farmer and have twenty little children and get fat and old and happy and cook for you while you toiled in a field?”
Aegon wrinkled his nose. “I'm not very good at toiling.”
She smiled into her cup. “I'm not very good at cooking.”
“Piracy it is then.”
She bit her lip, putting the cup down beside the bed. “Piracy it is. I should think you'd be good at plundering.”
“We can take Sunfyre and do it in true Targaryen style.” He huffed out a small laugh.
Fern moved to sit in his lap and Aegon wrapped one arm around her waist to keep her there. She looked up at him, toying gently with the pale locks of his hair. “You mean to make me a dragon rider?”
The Prince gave her a charming smile, leaning in a little closer. “Are you not already?”
She rolled her eyes. “For all your talk of him, you know I've never seen your dragon.”
“To be clear... We are still talking about Sunfyre?”
She hit his arm. “Yes!”
Aegon tucked a lock of golden hair behind her ear, his lips running along her shoulder blade. “Would you like to?”
“What girl wouldn't want to see a dragon?”
“Alright. Next time we leave your little prison, we shall take a trip to the dragon pit. You'll be the first girl I fuck there.”
“How romantic.” She said flatly.
Aegon grinned, kissing her on her lips this time.
As he did, Fern lay back and pulled him down with her.
He blazed a trail of kisses down from her lips to her throat to her breasts as he carefully unlaced her dress until it was wide open.
She wore nothing underneath. No chemise. No corsetry. So, it was easy to leave her in nothing at all.
She moved to pull at his shirt but he grabbed her hands, shaking his head slowly.
“Lie back.”
“Lie. Back.”
With a look of trepidation, she obeyed. Aegon smirked.
There was something quite enjoyable about ordering people around.
Slowly, he kissed down to her navel and listened as Fern sighed contentedly.
For eight days, she'd been tossed around like a piece of meat. Used by men who didn't care at all for her pleasure.
Aegon spread her legs apart, kissing down the inside of one thigh.
He didn't say a word as he ran his tongue down, gently, along her core.
The feeling took Fern off guard and she jolted for only a moment before Aegon moved one soothing hand up her leg.
She sighed softly as, with expert ease, his tongue toyed with her.
A small whine escaped her as his tongue dove deeper.
She writhed beneath him, desperately clinging onto the sheets below her as he sucked on some part of her that only he'd ever been able to find somehow.
She moaned loudly, making him grin against her. Without even looking down, she knew what he was doing. She could feel it.
There was a firm knock at the door.
Aegon pulled her in closer, getting better access to her and she moaned again, heart racing against her chest.
“Aegon...” She breathed out.
He hummed against her, the vibration moving across her body like a ripple.
His tongue moved deeper inside of her, twisting in shapes she didn't even know could be made.
“Gods, Aegon– there's–” She was cut off as he introduced his fingers to the equation, slowly pushing one inside of her.
There was another knock at the door as Fern choked on her moans.
“Aegon... The door–”
“Wait!” He yelled across the room. Whoever was on the other side of the door started grumbling to themself as Aegon pushed back into Fern.
She gripped his hair by the fistful, her hips moving against his mouth, until she couldn't take it anymore.
Her whole body shook as she came undone beneath him.
Aegon grinned, crawling back up to kiss her as she collapsed onto the bed.
He was still grinning as he hopped off the bed and made his way over to the door.
“What do you want?”
A boy pushed his way into the room. “Where have you been? Mother was searching for you earlier and the Maesters have books for us to read and Cole wants us to meet him in–”
“Cole can wait.” Aegon sighed, going to pour himself another glass of wine.
Fern rolled over in Aegon's bed, her eyes widening at the sight of the boy who'd just walked in.
She pulled the bedcovers over her chest and stared at him.
The boy had pale silver hair, just like Aegon's, tied back out of his face. He was dressed in green, his posture perfect and his hands behind his back.
And across his face he wore something.
An eyepatch.
This was Aemond, she realised. Aegon's younger brother.
The boy who'd lost his eye but gained the largest dragon in the world. The boy Aegon regularly talked about when visiting her.
As their gazes connected, the boy immediately turned his head away from her to hide the side where he'd lost his eye. His cheeks turned a dark shade of red.
Aegon jumped into the bed beside her, spilling some of his wine. He leaned in, kissing her blushing cheek. “You're the most modest whore I've ever met, Fern Waters.”
“Is that what this is?” Aemond demanded, folding his arms. “You couldn't attend to your duties because you were seeing another of your whores?” He glanced over at Fern apologetically. “No offence, my lady.”
Aegon laughed and Fern couldn't help but smile too. She'd never been called a lady before.
“She doesn't mind, do you Fern?”
She shook her head. “I'm sorry for keeping your brother from his duties, my Prince.”
Aemond stared at her, still tilting one side of his face away from her gaze.
“Now, brother, if you don't mind, I paid for Fern and you're sort of ruining the mood...”
“Am I? My apologies.” Aemond said sarcastically. Fern couldn't help but snigger and Aegon elbowed her gently in the ribs. “Pay your whore properly and meet me outside or we'll get another lecture from mother about your behaviour. She wanted you and Helaena to–”
“I have no interest in Helaena.”
“It doesn't matter what you–” Aemond began to chastise but he stopped himself when he recalled Fern's presence. With a sigh, he shook his head. For one so young, he already seemed so old. So world weary and mature. So burdened by responsibility and rules. “Would you just, for once, do as you're supposed to.”
Aegon sighed.
The look on his brother's face made his guts turn and Aegon's gaze wandered again to the little eyepatch that covered his scars.
He should've been there.
He should've protected him.
Instead, he'd been drinking and thinking about her.
Fern gently held onto his arm. “Go. You already paid, you'll have me. Even if I must wait here all day.”
Aegon huffed out a small laugh, resting his head on her shoulder for a moment.
His lips pressed against her neck and Aemond groaned, looking away.
Fern laughed.
“I'll have servants bring you food.” Aegon said.
Fern and Aemond both mirrored each other's scandalised expressions.
“They can't wait on the likes of me. I'm– I couldn't even wipe your servants' boots. I–”
“They'll serve who I want them to serve, and I want them to serve you. Get some rest. Enjoy the finer things for once. I don't intend to let you sleep tonight.”
She grinned, pulling him in to kiss him.
Aemond stared down at his shoes, shifting from one foot to the other awkwardly.
Aegon pulled away reluctantly, silently cursing his entire family, before following Aemond away.
Since he'd lost his eye, he'd found it a lot harder to be cruel to his little brother. It would get a lot easier if Aemond kept interrupting his afternoons with Fern.
The door closed behind the two Princes and Fern was left alone in Aegon's room.
She glanced around, staring in wonderment at everything.
It was beautiful.
A place fit for a King...
Definitely not fit for the likes of her.
Still, she settled in Aegon's bed and yawned before the alluring comfort lulled her into sleep.

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