Chapter 15

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“You know I'm proud of you, don't you?” Fern whispered as they sat on the steps of the iron throne together

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“You know I'm proud of you, don't you?” Fern whispered as they sat on the steps of the iron throne together. She gently stroked his silver-white hair, a small smile on her face. “I cannot believe you are truly king.”
“Neither can I.” He said, staring out into a distance. He'd seemed so... So unhappy of late. She wondered if it was because he knew that this was coming. That soon his father would be dead and he would be forced into this position of responsibility.
She cupped his cheeks in her hands, making him look at her. “It's going to be alright, you know? You can get everyone else to do things and just be the pretty face.”
He laughed, resting his head against hers. “I suppose I can do that. You think I'm pretty, don't you?”
She grinned. “Very. You always have been.”
In an unusual show of gentleness, without the mask of a carefree prince, he looked at her with big sad eyes and touched her cheek with a shaky hand. “You've always been beautiful too, you know? When I first met you... I couldn't take my eyes off of you.”
“When you first met me, I was a scraggly little whelp trying to relieve you of your coins in a brothel.”
His smile returned and he shook his head. “But you were a beautiful little thief.”
“If you say so, my king. If you say so.” She said, kissing his cheek. She sighed. “You know you can't do this, don't you? Kings can have whores but to bring them to court... To have them sit the iron throne with your wife watching. You'll upset the lords, Aegon.”
“Kings can do whatever they want.” He told her firmly. “And what I want is to have you at my side. You know you're not just a whore, Fern. You know you're more to me than that.”
“Aegon it doesn't matter what I am to you. To them, I'm a whore. That's all.”
“I don't give a shit what you are to them.” He said, a little frustrated. He pulled her closer, a desperate look in his eyes. “You're mine, Fern. I need you. I can't... I can't do this without you.”
She held him, her arms the only safe haven he'd ever been able to find. When the ground fell from under him, it was always Fern he ran to. Always Fern who made everything better... At least for a little while. She kissed the top of his head, her touch so soft and caring.
“Fine.” She whispered gently. “You know you'll always have me, you don't have to start getting upset about it.”
“You're not allowed to leave me.”
She laughed. “You're the wealthiest man in the realm now, my love. Why would I ever want to leave you?”
He paused for a moment.
And then he looked up at her. “Your love?”
Her eyes widened when she realised what she'd said and she was about to begin trying to justify it when he broke out into a wide grin.
“Do you love me, Fern Waters?”
“Shut up, Aegon.”
“Shut up, 'My King'." He ammended.
“I take it back. I don't love you anymore.”
His grin widened. “Ah so you did love me then?”
“I'n going to hit you with your own crown.”
“You're not allowed to threaten me anymore, it's treason.”
She huffed, folding her arms frustratedly and glaring at him with a pout.
Aegon's smile was bright as he looked at her. Truly bright. Truly happy.
He leaned in close, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I love you too, Fern.” He said before slowly moving to kiss her.
She felt her whole body ache at his words.
He loved her?
For years now she'd wanted to hear him say that. For years she'd waited, reminding herself that she was just a whore. Just a woman he paid to see for one thing only. For years she'd tried to silence the little hope in her head... A hope that he might truly actually love her.
She didn't know what to do with herself now that she knew it was true.
“Make yourself at home.” He told her softly. “Be as my wife. Do anything you please. I must attend small council... But I will return to you. Tonight we will celebrate.”
“Celebrate something you didn't want?” She laughs with some uncertainty, looking at him like he'd gone mad.
The king leaned in again, looking deep into her eyes. “Not the throne, Fern.”
She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, like it was going to jump right through her ribs.
Was this real? It didn't feel real. It felt like a dream. Like at any moment she was going to wake in her bed on the street of silk.
Her nod was unsteady and she could feel herself shaking.
“Alright then. Stop... Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Just stop looking at me, Aegon, or I'm going to cry!”
He couldn't help but laugh. “I never knew you were so sentimental.”
“Shut up, My King!” She looked down at her hands. “Gods, those women are going to hate me.”
“What women?”
“Those... Those servants. They were all talking about me... Saying you could've had anyone as your mistress.”
He rolled his eyes. “Why would you care what Servants think? You're a queen.”
“I'm not a queen, Aegon, I'm a whore. There's a difference.”
He shrugged, looking at her with a completely calm expression. “You're a queen to me and surely that's all that matters, isn't it?”
She sighed, giving a small nod.
He smiled again, standing and holding out a hand to help her up. She took it, looking down at herself to ensure that all her clothes were in order. He grinned as he watched her before the two of them left the throne room... Hand in hand.

Fern found herself quite bored.
Aegon and Aemond were both at small council. Helaena was not allowed to see her by order of her mother. And all of her friends were back home.
The lords and ladies would not speak to her, of course, except for some lewd remarks from some of the lords.
And so, after many hours of wandering the Keep, she found herself down in the kitchens looking for some food and drink. She knew, in theory, that servants could bring her these things... But they already hated her. She didn't particularly wish to make that any worse.
She found herself some tea, boiling it on the stove and pouring herself a cup when two women entered. Two servants.
“Sorry.” She said sheepishly. “I was uhm... Thirsty.”
“Should you not be attending to your duties?” One of the women said, looking her up and down with a sneer.
Fern bristled. “And what would they be? Am I not allowed to drink now?”
“You're not allowed to drink here. You're not one of us. You're not welcome. You're a no good whore.”
Fern looked them up and down, feeling her blood boil in her veins.
They knew nothing of her. They knew nothing of her life. They knew nothing of the world she came from.
But they thought they did.
They always thought they did.
“I'm not a whore.” She said, lifting her chin. “I'm the King's whore. And I do not think he would choose your side over mine if I told him what vile little women you were, do you?”
Both women stared at her.
She gave a small nod, getting to her feet.
“You can bring these to the King's chambers. And I'll have some food too.”
And with that she left.
If she was to play this part, she would play it well. These women would not like her no matter what she did. But Aegon was right.
What did it matter when she was at his side?
She wasn't a weak little girl being forced to do the bidding of others anymore.
For the first time in her life, Fern Waters wasn't a nobody.
She had power.

Had some free time in Honningsvåg so here's another chapter!

The King's Whore - Aegon/Aemond Where stories live. Discover now