CHAPTER TWENTY SIX: The Beginning Of The Journey (EDTED)

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Ashley's POV
It's currently time for my 4th class which has been canceled, we all don't have class because there's a meeting in the staff room and all the teachers are in there, so we're sitting under the big tree we love sitting under at the side of the school

Everyone's doing there own thing; reading, texting, scrolling through instagram, and me? I'm gathering up courage

"Hey guys?" I called out in a low voice. No one seemed to have heard me, No one but Justin

He whistled to grab their attention, which worked "Ashley wants to say something. Go on love"

"Uh I- uh" I straggled to construct a sentence "I have something to tell everyone"

"I hope it's nothing bad" Emma frowned

I smiled sadly and stared at my fingers "I've been diagnosed with PTSD" I started

They all sat up properly to show their attention on me "Wha-why? How? Did something happen?" Tina asked what's on everyone's mind

"Well a couple of years before I came to this school, let alone this city, I was involved in a road accident" I lifted my eyes and locked them with Jake he gave a small smile to which I ignored by averting my eyes to the tree in front of me

"Oh no.. that's so sad" Emma's frown deepened

"Don't frown so much you look bad " Ryan frowned at Emma

I smiled at them "gosh you two should date already" I laughed then sniffed "Anyway" I looked back at the ground beneath me "Aiden was with me"

"Wait what?" Brandon choked on his own spit "how come he's never told us, I mean I understand you. You're never really open but him? Nah" he said in disbelief

"Well..." and so I told them the whole story

Everyone was so emotional after hearing that, it all made sense to them and they sympathized with me. I told them I didn't want them to treat me or Aiden different but of course when does that ever work

They wanted to figure out ways to make him remember but I turned down all their suggestions telling them how risky it would be.

They all turned out gloomy and I regretted ever telling them though I was grateful that they played it cool when Aiden finally showed up but I also saw the heartache on their faces when I excused myself before he could reach us.

Now school was done and I was heading out the gate to get home fast so I can go for my therapy session. I think I can finally share my story with everyone today "Ashley!"

I kept walking "Ashley wait up?!" I heard him jog behind me

I quickened my steps "Ashley please" He caught up to me and held my shoulder to stop me

I shoved his hand away "what?! What do you want?" I glared straight into his ice blue eyes

"Ashley it doesn't have to be like this" he begged

"You deserve what you got" I pointed at his hand wrapped in a bandage "thank goodness it wasn't my face" I turned to leave

"Ashley it's not what you think" he held my shoulder again

I shoved his hand away again "I don't need an explanation. I just, I didn't expect- you know what it's fine" I turned to leave but stopped in my tracks and reconsidered "no you know what? It's not fine. Fuck you Jake!" I poked his chest with my finger

He let me embarrass him, he let me get stares, he knew I needed it "Fuck you for leaving me there, Fuck you for making me question myself, fuck you for making me overthink, fuck you for making me so comfortable only for you to leave me, fuck you for playing with my feelings, fuck you for using your physiological tricks on me, fuck you for making me trust you so you could step on my healing heart!" I slapped his chest with every sentence

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