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Ashley's POV

"Ashley?" they both asked at the same time. I gulped nervously then slowly looked up to see everyone's expectant eyes on me, even Justin had turned to look at me expectantly 'did I take that long to answer?'

"uh... " should I say yes? They haven't asked people to show them so what's the harm but then again since I've taken so long what if they do. So maybe I should say no? Oh my days what if they do see it one day?!

"Ashley?" Chanel raised her brow at me "you zoned out at little... why aren't you answering?" she asked it in a way which said she already knew the answer and she was prepared to back up whatever answer I'd say since everyone expected her to know

"uh.. No, no I don't... But I'd like to get one" I lied through my teeth with a smile

"oh, I thought you had one" Jake bluntly said taking out his phone from his pocket

"why would you think that" I bit my bottom lip and slightly tilted my head to appear curious than nervous

"oh I don't know, you just look like someone with one" he shrugged.

"okay" I replied confused but pushed the thought away. He definitely didn't seem to believe me but he never pestered me, I wonder what he's thinking about

"I would love a piercing" Emma said out of the blue, when we all got up to leave

"you already have piercings, in fact two, one on each ear" Conner pointed out

"noo.. I want mine like the way Ashley has done hers. Two on one ear and three or four on the other... See" she said pointing at my ears

"you don't need them" Ryan whispered next to me thinking no one heard, which I'm pretty sure no one did but me. I furrowed my brows questionably but he only shook his head to dismiss my question

"wow when did you get those" Jake examined my piercings

"when I turned 14" I shrugged remembering how rebellious I started being "same time I started dying my hair... I even wanted to get a nose piercing but mom refused" I informed them of my past which I rarely do " it's also around the same time I got my t... ummm periods" I covered my slip up dumbly hoping no one heard

"Too much info but okay" Tina laughed

We all stopped by the packing lot "well thanks for the ice cream Aiden but we gotta go now... See you guys later" Chanel said all at once then dragged me to her car

The drive home was short and quiet, I guess we were both lost in our own thoughts.

When I got home I found mom in the living room, sitting on the carpet with two boxes next to her

"hey mom" I greeted going to grab a bottle of water

"hi sweetie" she said while smiling at some book. Curious, I went and sat next to her

"what's that" I peeped to get a glimpse of what got her all smiley

"these are photos of you when you were younger" she smiled at me "this is when you started walking" she pointed it out "this is one is when your teeth started coming out" she pointed another one "then this one is when you and Aiden finally met, this when you two talked" she looked at me with a sad smile

I smiled, tearing up. I looked at the young me with long curly hair holding hands with a dark haired cutie "on this day we knew you two would automatically be good friends. In fact we knew you'd grow up to be lovers and your fathers called us ridiculous" she giggled at the memory

"Gosh I remember seeing you two grow up, Aiden had liked you for so long...he really liked you" she looked into my glassy eyes

"h-he did?" I was surprised, I hadn't noticed until I turned 12 I think I had a crush on him by then

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