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After a successful diner, Aiden excused himself with Ashley to give his parents a few minutes alone and of course to have a few minutes alone with his girlfriend

They walked hand in hand to the beach away from the restaurant they were at. They sat down near the water, where it kissed the tip of their toes.

Aiden stretched his legs forward and Ashley put hers on his lap then placed her head on his shoulder. They were in a comfortable silence until Ashley broke it

"Thank you for diner I loved it" she smiled looking at the reflection of the moon on the water

Aiden hummed a response distracted "what's wrong?" She lifted her head to look at him

He shook his head with a small smile "nothing" he placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her. The kiss felt a bit too passionate for Ashley, she didn't understand why he'd kiss her so passionately if nothing was wrong. She frowned into the kiss and he pulled away "is anything the matter?" He tilted his head at her after pulling away

"Aiden I know you're lying to me" she looked down at her hands

He sighed "I'm sorry. I just remembered my dream, I don't know why it decided to pop up right now. The dream makes me nervous, it makes me unease honestly and I don't want to tell you about it because I don't want you thinking anything of it. You know I'm a lucid dreamer but the fact that I couldn't control this one is why it's bothering me so much" he explained to her

"Okay. Can you at least tell me what the dream is about?" She begged "please Aiden" she said before he could refuse

She gave him the look he couldn't resist, he sighed defeated "fine. It was about an accident."

She furrowed her brows "an accident?"

"Yeah, we were involved in an accident. I don't know where we were going or who was driving but we got into an accident. I don't remember much about the accident but what I remember is I was rendered useless. I mean I couldn't do anything on my own anymore, I was a vegetable. Then I saw you constantly care for me and one day you got so tired I doubted you loved me anymore it was the worst feeling ever. I just wanted to end it all, to let you free from the punishment I forced you into. I wanted to see you smile again, I wanted to see how your face looked like when you hadn't cried a lot and when you didn't have bags under your eyes. It hurt"

She hugged him with tears in her eyes "Aiden I will always love you"

He hugged her back but didn't comment on it. How could he? He wanted to believe that, he knew she would but the way she look miserable in his dream had him feeling worse

Time had passed, they had changed the conversation and talked about lighter things until it was time to go.

They were now in Kairah and Joshua's car heading home. It was dark out and the lights were on full beam to brighten the path ahead. Laughter filled the car as they talked about funny events they had all experienced together

Josh had stopped at a crossroad and checked both sides for any approaching car, Kairah double checked just in case like she always did any other day, then proceeded to move forward

In a blink of an eye lights had flooded the car from the passenger's side. Tires screeched on the tar, there was a loud scream and everything turned slow motion

Aiden who was sitting behind his father looked through the window on Ashley's side, lights blinded him but he acted fast. He unbuckled Ashley's seatbelt and pulled her over his lap and turned his back towards the incoming vehicle, he did this all before Ashley had the chance to look back. His head fell on Ashley's shoulder blade as he protected her from the impact. Both their eyes shut as they held onto each other. She wrapped hers over his head

Joshua and tried to swerve the car to avoid massive collision but the truck had somehow hit into them. The truck that hit into them had its headlights off until it got close, like the driver fell asleep and remembered to turn on the headlights when he jolted awake.

The front part of their car was smashed in and Kairah's legs were caught inside. When Josh opened his eyes and looked to the side Kairah was unconscious, the car was leaning on its side and in a few minutes it might just fall

"Kairah?!" He deflated the airbag then tapped her, he's ears rung and his neck felt stiff and hurt but he ignored it so he could get closer to his wife "Kairah? Baby? Baby please wake up" he tapped her cheek

He turned to look behind as tears streamed down his cheeks "kids?" He didn't see Ashley on her seat. He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to check behind him "Aiden? Ashley? Are you guys okay? Kids? Wake up" he shouted

During the collision, Aiden's head smashed through the closed window knocking him unconscious. His body laid limp on Ashley, she struggled to move him so she could see his face. His eyes were closed, he almost looked peaceful even like he was asleep. She looked behind her at the shattered glass then back at Aiden, his head was bleeding

"Ashley? Aiden? Are you okay?"  Josh spoke from the front again as Ashley started crying, hyperventilating "calm down Ashley please. How's Aiden?"

"He's bleeding, his head..." she cried out a response

"We have to get them both out of the car before it falls and traps us all in. Can you do that?" He tried to sound calm

Ashley only then realized the glass that pierced through her arm. She felt light headed, it's only when she noticed it when the pain surged through her arm. She violently shook at the sight then puked out her diner

Josh yanked off the seatbelt holding his wife. He tried pulling her but her foot was stack. He look down to her legs, one was visible. He pulled it by the sheen and it was freed, the foot looked bad knowing it shouldn't look or bend that way. Then he moved the airbag to see how the other foot was stuck. The sight of his wife's bone pierce out of her skin made him cry in pain. He picked a piece of glass on the dash board and cut the airbag then tied it around her leg. Afterwards he cut off his wife's favorite strapped heels to get her foot from being stuck. He didn't even want to explain or think about how bad her injuries were

Ashley kicked the door open and fell out of the leaning car with Aiden in her arms. The glass in her arm pierced through some more like it wanted to completely pass through so it could come out the other side, this made her cry out in pain while still dragging them both away from the scene "help!!!" She screamed despite her breaking voice "someone please help me!!"

Josh pulled his wife onto his lap and opened the door. He carried his wife bridal style away from the vehicle. He turned around to look at the scene when he fell next to Ashley, he couldn't see the driver from where he was. He pulled Ashley closer as she balled her eyes out on him. The pain on his neck felt worse as he got out the phone in his son's pocket and dialed 9-1-1

"9-1-1 what's your emergency..." the operator spoke through the phone

"My family" his breath got shallow "accident"

"What's your location sir. What's the condition of everyone else we are sending an ambulance right now... can you stay on the phone with me?" Her voice become distant as he tried to keep his eyes open

He hummed forcing his eyes open but failed miserably. The phone fell to the ground while tears washed the blood off his face. He knew this would be the beginning of a traumatic experience for the innocent lives he's ruined. He felt light headed and finally let the darkness consume him.

Ashley picked up the phone and stayed on it till she could hear the distant sirens. The blue and red lights calmed her nerves a bit

When the ambulance and fire brigade showed up she finally dropped the phone as the world around her kept moving. She was in shock, she was numb and in pain at the same time. It all felt unreal, just like that her story begun

Hi my faithful readers
We've finally come to the official end of this book. It was a rollercoaster 🤧
I hope you enjoyed it
Thank you for giving it a chance ❤️
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