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Ashley's POV
Talk around school has been revolving around the same three things. It's either finals, graduation and the biggest party of all time. This year's seniors are really going all out and will definitely be remembered

Asides the usual topics some rumors here and there have been flying round. I try not to listen but I can't help it. One of it was talk about how the principal is either being fired or retiring because of having sexual relations with a senior in school,I don't know how true that is. I kind of liked this principal she was kinda cool shame she's going

Anyway I've became my usual bitch self, you know the sarcastic detached disrespectful one? Yeah I'm not proud but it's easier being like this than emotional. I no longer spend time with my group of friends and I'm happy they haven't questioned it or treated me differently in fact they are all acting like I never told them anything

I still kinda feel bad that I've also detached from Chanel as well. She's been hanging with Jake a lot more or maybe they always have been and I was too focused on myself to notice but it still kinda stings I don't know why. Sometimes I guess I just expect people to like me even with a shitty attitude

Days in school and therapy pass by in a blur. Days seem to be rushing by so fast God knows why. Before the argument Jake and I had, I got comfortable enough to go for therapy and I even entertained the thought of stopping, thinking I was getting better. I don't know what logic I used but I thought I could reduce how many times I go. But before I got to tell him or anyone what it's like he somehow knew and stopped me by making us argue over such a thing. I don't know if it's fair for me to think like this, how could he even have known?

Anyway, now I'm more reluctant to go for therapy because Aiden started but Charlie of course talked me out of stopping so I still force myself to go everyday but still I remain silent, nothing unusual.

Aiden starting therapy coincidentally where I go pissed me off, I knew it wasn't a coincidence. I looked for Charlie's card everywhere but didn't find it. That asshole stole it and gave it to Aiden. I told him I didn't want anything to do with Aiden and he goes ahead and forces us in the same room. I don't have proof for these accusations but I know it has Jake written all over it

My walks back home from school are more therapeutic than my actual therapy sessions these days. I know it's like I waste time going but I can't seem to find my voice when I'm there, maybe it's because I always have flash backs on the days I used to go after the accident all those years back

I sigh heading to my porch "hi Ashley. Is my round self the one making you hate coming over anymore?" Chantel greeted getting down the two steps from her porch with her keys in hand and purse.

She waddled to her car and unlocked it to throw her purse in then leaned on the car door smiling at me

"Hi Chantel. No that's not it I'm just busy studying for the upcoming finals you know? You look great by the way" I smile at her. She's nearing the end of her third trimester in a couple of weeks maybe a month I don't know, and she really makes this pregnancy thing look great

"Oh thank you Ashley you're so sweet" she smiled then turned to enter her car "take care and all the best in your exams" she waved

The smile dropped from my face when she pulled away from her driveway. I sighed then opened the door to my house. I could hear female voices laughing in the living room and I sighed not ready for company

I was shocked to see Aiden's mom in our living room when I rounded the corner. "Hi Ashley" she smiled brightly at me

For some reason I was nervous. Did she come to confront me about ignoring her son? Worse did something happen to him?

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