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Aiden's POV
Therapy is done, I learnt so much about different illnesses, what causes them and how with time people coop with them in their own way. Frankly I think there should more programs that help spreed mental health awareness

"That was interesting" I say to Cole as we walk out together

"Yeah it gets... interesting, sometimes difficult, so difficult you don't want to come back for your own personal reason but you know what? You show up, you manage and fight" he says. He's energy from the time he shared hasn't been the same, he's low I guess that's part of the depression.

"Oh..." is all I can say "well I need answers so I just have to come back"

"You definitely should" he doesn't even try to force a smile " That's my ride home, need one?" He points to his car

"Nah, my brother will pick me up thanks anyway" I wave

After Cole leaves Jake arrives. He looks to be in thought as I near the car "hey"

"Hey how was it" he beams when I get in

I shrug "I only started but it was good. What's up with you?" I ask as he starts the journey back home

"Nothing why?" His eyes are focused on the road but I know him too well

"You seem to be in thought. Besides you never did tell me why you ghosted me and now you're suddenly back and offering to pick me up from therapy?" I lift my brow

He chuckles "bro you're reading way too deep into things" I roll my eyes

"Yeah right. How'd you get that anyway" I point at his hand wrapped in a bandage


"Don't lie" I stop him before he goes any further "let me remind you I know you better than you think"

He sighed "I did something I'll regret for a long time but it's for a good cause"

"Which is?"

"I can't tell you"

"What? Since when do you hide things from me? Is this about Ashley again?" I was beginning to get irritated by this. It's always Ashley

He clenched his jaw "No"

"Then why are you getting angry" I snapped "you're the one who got yourself in this mess. Why should I have to suffer the consequences? Oh wait that's what you always do but now it's about a girl? You've got to be kidding me" I laugh bitterly

He stopped the car "first of all nothing I'm doing is for my benefit. I have a lot going on while trying to figure out shit so don't give me a fucking lecture for shit you know nothing about"

"Then why not just tell me huh?"

"Because I'll tell you when it's time to, you know I never do or say things without a proper reason. So please get off my fucking back" he's looking at me from the corner of his eyes and empathizing his point with his hands on the steering wheel

"You blurt things out from your head without thinking so what the hell are you on about" i fold my arms

"Aiden just trust me okay" he sighed giving up on the conversation all together and continuing the journey

I'm tired of secrets  "At least tell me something Jake I'm tired of people hiding things from me, it's draining" I try another route to get him to tell me what's going on

He sighed for the millionth time "I got into a fight with Ashley"

"Why?" I was confused, I thought they started getting along.

REMINISCENT Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora