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The titel says everything....have fun. (No NSFW, but a bit of....sexual innuendo...If you can call it that)

Pov Juliet

I finish my meal and wait for the maids to bring away my plate.
Then I stand up and make my way over to the door.

"Remember dear, don't make me wait. Come to my room in about 10 minutes"
I wink and leave through the door.

I don't know but i was sure that Mary was blushing again, and again i don't know why it makes me so happy...

When i finally reach my room I took of my jewelry und makeup.

It didn't take long before I hear a gentle knock on my door.

"Come in, Darling"

I hear the door open and Mary stepped in.

-Pov Mary

I slowly step inside Mistress's room, it was big and really beautiful. She sat in front of her large dressing table. All her jewelty took off.

"Y-you asked for me Milady?" My godness why do I always stutter!?

"Yes, Darling. One of my maids got sick. She is usually there to assist me while bathing" she began " and I thought It might be a job for you, to prove yourself to me."


Me, watching Mistress bathe!? Not Just that, I ASSIST her?!

I could feel heat rush to my cheeks.
"M-milady I don't k-know If i'm the right person for this..."

"It is NOT a question dear, its an order" she said in a cold voice.

"Y-yes Milady, i'm sorry. I'll prepare everything " I quickly dismissed myself and went to her bathroom. It has a big bathtub so big you could almost call it a pool.
I filled it with water and a bit bath milk. Lastly I added some rose petals... I heard from a maid named Lilia that Mistress wants it that way.

After i finished Mistress already walkes in only wearing a bathrobe.
I blushed and quickly looked away when she took it off to get in the bathtub.

"You did great dear, just how i expected." She praised me.

It was a Strange feeling and I couldn't help but look at her, only her head was over the water surface. Even tho I could see a bit of her breasts being Just milimeters above.

"What are you waiting for ?" She suddenly asked.

"W-what am I supposed to do?" I questioned hoping that she didn't chaught me stare at her chest.

"Take the shampoo and wash my hair Darling." She Points over at two bottles.

"Which one would you like?"

"Whatever you think is best, one is rose the other one lavender."

Again she makes me choose. Is this all still a test?
Personaly I like Rose but lavender would suit her much better. But still she asked i'll choose rose.

I started applying some shampoo on my hands and gently start to massage it into her hair and scalp.

"You're quite good at this Darling " her voice sounded relaxed and I was happy making her feel that way.

"Thank you Milady " in response I only heard a soft sigh.

I could feel her lean more into my touch as i contined to massage her scalp.

"Milady...may i ask a question?"

"You already did, but you're free to ask another one" she smiles.

"Why do you Always call me 'dear' or 'darling'?"

"Is something wrong with it? Don't you like it?" She asked and pulls away her head from my hands, to look at me.

"N-no, I'm just curious. Because i'm new and I-i didn't think that i deserve such a nice name yet..."

"Oh Darling~ you must know that I love giving my pets names~ and I think Darling or dear suits your pretty face very well~"

She didn't know what kind of impact These words have on me. I blushed and looked away quickly, but the real thing happened lower. I felt butterflies in my stomach and a little tingle between my legs.

-Pov Juliet-

I looked at  Mary enjoying how flustered she got.

Its really fun teasing her, I don't think that i ever enjoyed it more.
Most maids don't respond the way she does. And again it makes her somehow special.

I think I finally know what my feelings are all about....even tho I wouldn't just admit it to her.

I couldn't belive it but i already desired the Feeling of having her hands massage my scalp some more.
"Darling, would you mind to continue?"

It didn't take long until I felt her hands back on my scalp sending me into a world of pure relaxation.
What would her touch feel on other parts of my body....-no enough of these naughty thoughts. I shouldn't think that way. Such unladylike behavior isn't my thing.

After she finished my Hair, I quickly washed myself off and put on my bathrobe.

"Darling, you're uniform got all wet. Do you want to change it? I can put it right to the laundry..."

"No! I-i mean, no thank you Milady. I have to go now"

Well that was...a suprise....

Have I said something wrong? Now its too late to ask anyway. She is already gone....


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