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Whoever haven't read the last chapter don't worry. It won't have too much impact in the story. Maybe i'll describe it in an extra chapter, but in childfriendly. So that If you want you can still have a bit more backstory.


-Marys Pov-

Its been a few days since the Teddy appeared and Juliet or Aiden haven't talked about it ever since. It simply lays in the lobby on a chair.

But today that isn't important. Mistress's Birthday is today and I have to buy some more ingredients for the cake. Since the last one...kind of ...well...I accidentaly switched sugar and salt...

So now i'm on my to buy:

-fondant (for decoration)

I quickly put the shopping list away and made myself ready to leave. When suddenly Lilly appeared.

"Hey, Marilyn wait!" She screamed, and I turned around. "I want to come with you, please" she said completly out of breath from running.

I still wasn't sure how i feel about her, there is still some jealousy left inside me, that doesn't want her to be near me. But i haven't even gave her a chance in the past. So i pushed my thoughts aside and nodded.
"Sure, its nice having a bit company" I said before walking out the door.

She followed me and together we walked down the path in direction to the Village. It been a silent walk until Lilly decides to start a conversation. A bit to my dislike, since I wasn't interessted in talking to her. But I didn't want to be rude to either since she hasn't done anything.

So she started. "Marilyn, I...noticed your rejection towards me. And I wanted to ask if you want to talk about it."

Right to the point. A little bit taken back, I didn't know how to react and simply said "yes".
Great Mary, now you HAVE to explain your feelings.

Lilly seemed to noticed the fast answer, and stopped walking. "Only If you want to, I don't want this to be to personal..."

I hated and loved her forward looking charakter at the same time. So i simply decided to ask her a counter question instead, so that i didn't have to talk to much on our way to the Village.
"Its fine...I am just interested in what type of relationship you have towards.. Mistress."

She looked at me a bit confused before smiling slightly. "Oh ...I think I understand now." She giggled slightly. "Don't worry, I am not interested in her in such a way. I just give her advice from time to time."

Aaannd again, Mary. You made it obvious that its all about your feelings towards Mistress.

Lilly continues talking "I was there to help her with decisions and stuff like that....If you want I can help you too..."

I looked at her. What? She wanted to help me? And again my mouth worked faster than my brain. And I already spoke again. "Help me with what?"

She giggles slightly "helping you admiting your feelings towards her."

I blush slightly and look away. Luckily the village was already in sight.

"I know its embarresing to talk about, but you seem to be truly in love. Not just a crush. The fact that you are so jealous towards me spending time with Mistress Shows that. Let me guess, you've already thought about more than just being her Maid haven't you? " She asked expectingly, and I only nodded.

We finally reached the Village and started collecting the stuff I needed for the cake, while still continuing our conversation.

"And I bet that you've already..." she whispers something in my ear "... thinking about her"

Yes, Mistress (old)Where stories live. Discover now