Chapter 1 - A crush extinguished

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Lydia Bridges

The music fills my body and I take another sip of my drink. I should stop. I'm already drunk, but it makes me feel... nothing. My body tingles and my head swims, and my world is music and dancing.

"Oh my god," Trisha interrupts my thoughts, or lack of thoughts, and I open my eyes. The room is dimly lit and filled with people.

"What?" I ask and look around, trying to focus my eyes in the direction she's looking.

"He's here. I didn't think he'd come."

"Who?" Trisha flutters from one crush to the other and I'm not entirely sure who is on the receiving end this time.

"What do you mean, who? Wesley Porter. The sexiest hockey player at UNI."

I search the crowd and spot the man in question. He's standing in a group of hockey players and is smiling at something someone says. Why do hockey players always seem to travel in a pack?

He's not a bad-looking guy, with his soft, dirty blond hair and white teeth. Like all the hockey guys, he's tall and muscular. And confident.

I bring my drink up, but a firm hand stops me.

"Here," Pres says and exchanges my cup for a water bottle. "I am not carrying you home again, or holding your hair while you throw up."

"You're no fun," I say, but drink the water. "You should go talk to him." I nudge Trisha, who's biting her lip.

"I can't do that. It's Wes freaking Porter."

"So?" I shrug. "Didn't he smile at you last week?" The smile that started this whole crush.

"But why would he go for me? He probably smiles at everyone."

"You're gorgeous. You're hot AF in that dress. He won't be able to take his eyes off you."

"You should go for it." Pres sounds almost bored. "Rumor has it he broke up with what's-her-name over the summer and he's looking to get back on the market. The worst he can do is turn you down."

"Ok, I'll do it." Trisha downs the last of her drink and crosses the floor.

"You think it'll work?" I ask as we watch her approach him.

"No idea. But if she doesn't try, we'll never hear the end of it. Have you got your eyes on anyone?"

There are frat boys all around us, but none of them pique my interest. Some of them I know, some of them I can barely remember, but none of them is getting me excited.

I finally shake my head. "No, not tonight. You?"

Pres takes a long look around the room, lingering slightly on the group of hockey players. Then she shrugs. "I'll probably hook up with the guy from Econ. He's been pretty insistent."

"The cute one with the earring?"


"You could do worse."

"I could also do a lot better." I blink and wonder if I imagined that glance or if there is someone she has her eye on.

It's hard to care when I'm this drunk. "Come on, let's go outside. I need some air."

"You're not going to throw up, are you?"

I ignore her question as we make our way past Trisha. She's bashing her eyelashes at Wes and he seems to be enjoying the attention.

"I guess we won't have to wait around for her," Pres says when we reach the outside with its fresh air and more tolerable sound levels.

"I guess not." I feel grumpy and I'm not sure why. Maybe I've been doing too much of this lately. Drinking, dancing, hooking up. It was my life last year, and if it hadn't been for my sister Ellie, I probably wouldn't have passed any classes.

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