Chapter 26 - Debating Max

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Maybe it wasn't a big deal?

I chew my lip as I get out of the car and head inside. It's not like it's illegal to drive your coworker home. But I had been about to kiss her.

I'm still not sure what this thing is. Lydia makes my blood boil. She's infuriating at times. But sometimes I just want to scoop her up in my arms and keep her safe. And I don't know what that means.

The sex is great, though. The way she bent forward and... I stop that train of thought before I end up making myself hard again. Holding her body close to mine always feels right.

I shouldn't have panicked. Seeing JD was so unexpected. It's supposed to be a secret, and I almost got us caught.

In the future, we have to be more careful.

"There's chicken with rice and peas in the fridge," Brick mutters as he spots me. He's sitting on the couch playing a shooter. CoD, I think.

"Thanks," I say and grab a plate. I scoop out a healthy portion and put it in the microwave while I get out my phone. I need to say something to Lydia.

I stare at the screen. Do I apologize? For almost getting us caught? Or for leaving so quickly? Should I have stayed? Does she care? I keep staring until the food is done.
I grab some cutlery and sit down at the island, my phone still open to our latest conversation. What should I say?

I shovel the food into my mouth, listening to Brick grunt at his teammates and give them the occasional order. I think he's winning, but it's hard to tell. He sounds equally detached either way.

With a sigh, I grab the phone.

Sorry about leaving so abruptly. I just didn't want us to get caught.

Letter by letter, I delete it. No. That's not right.

It was strange seeing JD at your place.

Delete, delete, delete. That's not it either.

I really enjoyed our shift today.

I smirk. No. I delete and put down my phone. Maybe I'll text her later?

I eat the rest of the dinner. It's delicious. Brick is a great cook. He also studies nutrition, so I don't have to worry about the meals he cooks for us. Sometimes, he'll do a cheat meal, or something really unhealthy, but he lets us know. I have a theory that he does that when he's feeling homesick or lonely. But he's so stoic, it's hard to tell.

"Could you get that?" Brick asks.

I blink. Right, the doorbell. I push away the plate and get up. It's pretty late for a social visit. As I approach the door, my heart skips a beat. What if it's Lydia?

I open the door, almost holding my breath.


"Hi," she hiccups. She has Max with her. Max greets me happily and jumps up at me. I turn away from her. The site I found said the best way to teach a dog not to jump was simply to ignore them.

"What's wrong?"

Max settles down and I open the door wider to let them in. She unhooks the leash and Max disappears in search of more people to greet.

"It's Dean."

"Who?" I follow Max into the living room. She's very excitedly licking Brick's face, and he's letting her, still focused on his game.

"My... my boyfriend."

"Right." I grab my plate off the island and put it in the sink. "What about him?" With my arms crossed, I lean back against the sink.

"He doesn't like Max. He wants me to get rid of her."

"He sounds like a real keeper."

I glance over at Max, who is adamant Brick pays her attention. She loves Brick. And he seems to like her too.

"He's not a bad guy. And I think I love him."

"Good for you." There's a twinge at the words. Once, I thought she loved me. But now, I'm not even sure she knows what love is.

My thoughts stray to Lydia and the way she looked at me before she turned around and bent over.

I clear my throat and run some water so I can rinse the plate.

"He says Max is too wild. That she needs to be trained."

"She does."

"You know I don't have time for that."

"So, what do you expect me to do?"

"I thought maybe you could take her for a while?" She smiles in a way I used to think was cute. Now, it seems manipulative.

"You know I don't have time to train her."

Her smile fades. "Fine. I can't believe you're so selfish. I need you, Wes. Did that ever occur to you?"

"You knew when we got her that you would be the one taking care of her most of the time. I'm happy to pitch in, but with my studies and practice, I don't have the time. Especially while I have the job at the pro shop."

She snorts. "It's not like you're busy all day, every day. I'm sure you could spend an hour or two training her."

"We agreed you would take her because of this. Your schedule is a lot lighter. Why don't you spend the time training her?"

"You're just punishing me, and I don't know why."

She looks as if she's about to cry. Behind her, Brick has paused his game and is petting Max.

"I'm not punishing you. I'm telling you the facts. If your boyfriend doesn't like her not being trained, maybe he can train her."

"That's not fair. I can't ask him to do that."

"You can't ask your current boyfriend, but you have no trouble asking your ex?"

"It's your dog, too."

I sigh and rub the palms of my hands over my eyes. She's not wrong.

"Please, Wes? I had to take her out of the apartment, because Dean had enough of her."

"You're really bending over backwards for this guy, huh?" I regret my choice of words as they bring to mind someone else bending over.

"That's what you do in a relationship, Wes. But I don't expect you to know that."

"I can't take her now."

Chloe's phone buzzes, and she immediately brings it out. Her face brightens as she reads.

"He's fine with her staying," she sighs in relief.

I shake my head. "Was he really going to make you get rid of her?"

"It doesn't matter now." Chloe waves it away. "Because he wants me to come home. And he says he can learn to tolerate Max."

"Tolerate," I huff.

"I still need to train her." Chloe types a message and sends it. "Come on, Max. We're going home. Max, come."

She slaps her leg, but Max has draped herself over Brick as he's playing again.

I wrinkle my forehead. "Did you move in with him?"

"No. Why?"

"Then why does he think he can tell you what to do in your own home?"

She sighs deeply. "You wouldn't understand. Max, I said come."

Max finally detangles herself from Brick and comes up to Chloe.

"Maybe there's a course or something you could take?" I suggest, as I walk them to the door.


"A training course." I nod to the dog.

"Oh, yeah. Maybe." She hurries out of the house and I watch as she almost drags Max with her.

Shaking my head, I grab my phone and head upstairs. There's no way I could take Max. I really hope this Dean guy is temporary. Who doesn't like dogs? That's a red flag if ever I heard one.

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