Chapter 46 - Twists and turns

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"You want another?" Pres asks and gets up.

I shake my head and take a sip from the beer in front of me. My eyes are practically glued to the door, and every time it opens, my stomach twists.

We arrived way before the hockey players and were able to grab one of the good tables. There's already a lot of people there, most of them have the team colors on and are celebrating.

I bring out my phone and see I have a text from Wes. My heart drops as I read it. It's short and to the point. He'll be late.

Did he change his mind? Maybe the idea of dating me was more appealing than actually dating me? I shake off my negative thoughts. No. Maybe he's just late. If he had to deal with something, then he might not have had time to give a full explanation.

The door opens and a bunch of the hockey players come in. The bar cheers and they all beam at the surrounding people.

"It's not him," Pres says and sits back down next to me with a fresh drink.

"I'm really not sure you should be going after JD," I say. "If he didn't call you, maybe that's it."

"We had a really good time," Pres blushes. "The way he used his fingers. And his tongue... And I know he enjoyed it too. Twice."

"I'm just saying, I think he sleeps around a lot. So, don't pin all your hopes on him."

"We had a connection."

I refrain from arguing more. Maybe they did have a connection. But I have a sinking feeling that he's going to break her heart. If he wanted to see her again, he would have called.

The door opens again. This time it's JD, Ethan, and Liam. The cheers are even louder, completely drowning out the music.

Someone chants JD's name and he raises his arms, grinning at everyone and no one.

"It's him," Pres says breathlessly. "I'm going to go talk to him."

I want to stop her, but she's already crossing the floor. A crowd of people has gathered around him, so she struggles to get close.

"How much do you want to bet he's forgotten her name?" Trisha asks.

"Is he really that big of an asshole?" I've barely asked before I realize I have forgotten many names. What was I thinking?

"Pretty much, from what I hear." Trisha takes a sip of her drink and looks out at the room.

"Is Larry coming?" They've been on and off for a while, and I can't remember if they're on right now. It's pretty clear that they both like each other.

Trisha shrugs. "Not sure." She stares at her drink.

The door opens again and my heart leaps. Until I notice it's not him.

My eyes return to Pres and her attempts at getting JD's attention. He finally notices her and says a couple of words. Pres' face falls, and she stands dumbstruck while he continues to the tables where the other players are.

"Oh." Trisha grimaces. "That did not look good."

Pres walks back to us as if in a daze.

"What did he say?" I ask when she sits down.

"He said: Thanks for the sex. It was great. But I don't do repeats."

My jaw drops. "Really?"

"He's an ass," Trisha says.

"You deserve so much better."

Pres shakes her head. "It's not like I wanted to marry him and have his babies. I just thought we could hook up again. Maybe make it a regular thing."

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