Chapter 44 - Baby steps

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I wake up on Friday feeling odd. I'm almost at Dirty, where Trisha and Pres are waiting for me when I realize I'm excited.

It's been a long time since I was this excited about anything. Let alone a date.

Because it is a date. It has to be.

I grab a coffee and sit down with the girls.

"What do you think, Lydia?" Pres asks. "Do you want to go to a beach for Christmas or skiing? Daddy's talking about renting a cabin in some mountains and wants us all to come, but I told him we might want to do the beach thing again."

"I don't know," I say.

"I say, skiing," Trisha says. "Just imagine it. Cute outfits, hot cocoa by the fire..." She struggles to think of more things to entice us.

"We don't have to decide yet," Pres says and waves her hand as if it's stressing her out too much. "Daddy always wants to plan these things way in advance. Let's talk about the game tomorrow. What are you wearing?"

Trisha and Pres launch into a discussion about team colors and jerseys, but my mind is stuck on Christmas.

Last year I refused to spend it with Ellie and aunt Charlie. They went skiing, but I wanted nothing to remind me of my parents. So I partied on a beach with Trisha and Pres.

This year, I'm not sure what I want to do. Partying was fun, but maybe I want more? I study my friends who have moved on to discussing the party afterward. This is not the life I want anymore. At least I don't think it is. And I don't think it's what my mom would have wanted.

"I have to get to class," I say and stand up.

"Already?" Pres asks. "You'll be early."

"I need to talk to professor Turner." I leave the coffee shop, more determined than I've been in a long while.

I haven't been putting in as much effort as I could. And I need to sort that out with the professor. Because I want that internship.

And I want a future that I control. And the first step is to find out what else I can do to make that happen.

I stand outside the classroom, waiting when professor Turner shows up.

"Ms Bridges," she says and opens the door. "Is there something I can do for you?"

I take a deep breath. "Yes."

Because I'm all in now. I want this. I need this.

"I want more extra credit," I say. "I know I was late turning some of my projects in and I want to make up for that. Last year was... not good and I've grown a lot since then. I want to... set myself up for success." I cringe a little at the last words and professor Turner raises an eyebrow.

"I rarely hand out this many chances," professor Turner studies me with intense eyes.

"I know. I've had some trouble... adjusting, after the accident."

"And you're better now?"

Instantly, I shake my head. "No. Not at all. But I know I need to work on it."

Her piercing eyes don't leave my face, and I do my best not to squirm.

"Very well," she says. "I'm glad you're finally realizing that this is something you have to work hard for. I've seen potential in you. But only you can take the steps necessary. How about we schedule a meeting for Monday so we can talk this over?"

Other students file into the room.

I nod. "Monday works."

We agree on a time, and I take my seat. I think my mom must be smiling down at me. Because, for once, I know I'm on the right path.

"Oh, good, you're home," Ellie says as I walk through the door. "Which dress should I bring?"

She holds up two very different dresses, one tight and black, one flowy and beige.

"For what? Is D whisking you off again?"

She blushes. "Yeah, he's taking me to Atlantic City. I need something to wear to dinner."

"Really?" I study the dresses. "Take the black one. It's more you."

She nods and hurries into her room. I follow her and stop in the doorway. She has a suitcase on her bed and neatly organized piles next to it.

"I'll be back on Sunday evening," she says and places miniature bottles of her shampoo and conditioner in a small bag. "Do you need anything?"

I clear my throat. This is it. I take a deep breath.

Ellie looks up from her packing. Suddenly, all of her attention is on me and I almost falter. I close my eyes and breathe.

Before I can chicken out, I say the words I've been practicing. "Do you still have the information for that therapist?"

I open my eyes. Ellie closes her mouth and swivels back to her packing. She slowly picks up a folded t-shirt.

"I can get it for you." She puts the t-shirt down in the same place it was.

I nod. Before she can say anything else, I spin around and head to my room. One step at a time, right? Isn't that what everyone always says?

In the meantime, I need to figure out what I can do about my classes. I need to make sure I have all the requirements fulfilled.

I open my laptop and set to work.

"I found the information," Ellie says gently, as if a harsh word could be enough to make me change my mind. "I'll send it to you. Along with some money for the weekend. Aunt Charlie will pay for the therapist. Just mention it when you contact them. She set it all up."

I check my phone. "Thanks."

She lingers in the doorway. "Do you want me to stay home this weekend? I don't have to go if you need me."

"No. I'm fine. I'm going to the hockey game."

She hesitates a while longer, then she takes a few quick steps into the room and hugs me tightly. I just sit there, wondering when the last time we hugged was.

"If you need me, I can come right back home. Ok?"


She lets go of me, and I turn back to the computer. I stare at it through the blur of my tears as Ellie walks out of the room.

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