Chapter 4 - The Prank

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I can barely believe my luck as we arrive at the Den. It's the pride and joy of UNI. The hockey boys get all the perks, including this multi-million dollar stadium. To be fair, they make it available to others, including the public.

I push the envious thoughts aside, and try to ignore that most students here are from families who could probably buy a stadium of their own if they wanted to.

"Is this the player's entrance?" I ask as he parks the car near one of the back doors.

He smiles at me. "Come on, we need to be quick. If anyone asks, we're just here to pick up a book I forgot."

I get out of the car and hide my smile as he walks up to the door. Before I enter, I glance around the parking lot until I spot a familiar car.

"I've never been in this part of the Den before," I say as I step inside. We're in a hallway surrounded by pictures of former teams. All of them were taken on the ice in full gear. Everyone is smiling.

"The coaches area is that way." Wes points to a few doors. "This way to the locker rooms."

I follow him down the corridor, still surrounded by team photos. A large built in trophy case takes up a large part of the wall up ahead. There's so much pride in this corridor. I can see how walking past all these remembrances of the past could encourage the players to do their best.

"Do you want to see it?"

I remember where I am and smile. He's talking about the locker rooms.

"I'd rather see the ice." I step closer and let the tip of my finger glide under his t-shirt. His stomach muscles are hard and smooth.

He gasps and grabs my arms. He lowers his head and for a distractingly confusing moment, all I can do is watch as his lips draw closer.

"What about in the stands?" I whisper just before we kiss.

He wrinkles his brows and pulls back a bit. "There has to be ice, huh?"

I give him a cheeky smile and keep walking. "Is it this way?"

He follows me down the corridor, and I struggle to hear anything over the beating of my heart.

"Over here."

I wait and let him pass me by. He opens a door and the air changes as we approach the ice. It's colder here, and I shiver slightly.

The ice lays in front of us, untouched. Ready for the next game. Or practice.

I take a deep breath and rub my bare arms.

"Come on," Wes puts an arm around me and I almost melt into his warmth as he leads me up the steps and into the stands.

"It's so quiet." I fight the urge to whisper. I've never seen the Den so empty."

"I love how it's almost like two different places."

As we walk up the steps, I feel the time pressure. I stop and have to catch my breath as he looks down at me.

"How cold are you?" I barely recognize my voice. It's low and sultry.

"With you around? Not very," he says.

"Good." I walk up so I'm a step above him and start lifting his shirt over his head. He laughs a little and helps me get it off completely. As he stares at me as if he's about to devour me, I toss the shirt as far as I can between the seats.

My eyes drift to his chest and I reach out and touch his muscles. My breathing is heavy. We move closer to each other.

"Fuck me," Wes says. "You are so hot."

Just a Pucking Prank [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now