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"Your mother and I are concerned—"

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"Your mother and I are concerned—"

"Not my mother."

Bruce Rush sighed over the other end of the phone that I'd tossed onto the bench before sitting down for my workout. 

"Your step-mother and I are concerned about your future.  You haven't shown up for the past three meetings in the class I signed you up for."

Throwing another weight on the rack, I angled my body so that the bar was over my head as I zeroed in on the reps I needed to finish. 

"That's because it interferes with my practice schedule.  You should've asked me before signing me up."

"Basketball comes second to business, just like it always has.  You've always known this."

"Weren't you the one who always said I can't 'half-ass' anything?"

"Make it to the classes, Kalen.  Or you're going to have more to worry about than missing basketball practice."

"I don't—"

But my father had already hung up the phone.

My muscles shook with the strain of completing my reps, but on the last push, my arms trembled and the bar tipped to one side. 

Moments from having the bar clatter onto my chest, an arm shot out to grab it for me. 

"Easy there, cap.  Where's your spotter?"

"Don't need one, Hart.  I'm fine by myself."

"And you're captain why, exactly?"

Colby Hart was only a sophomore, but he had been a pain in my ass since he was a freshman rookie on the team. 

"Ask the rest of the team, they're the ones that voted me in."

Colby snorted, helping me to rack the weights back and shot me a look that bled with the burning need of desperation. 

Slinging my sweat rag over my shoulders I leveled him with a hard stare until he folded. 

"What do you want, Hart?"

"You and Gracie at the party last night...what was that about?"

"Gracie?  Who the fuck are you talking about?"

"You know—my little sister's best friend?  I only talk about her like, all the time?  What were you saying to her last night at the party?"

Oh, her. 

I remembered her, alright. 

Colby was shuffling his feet, eyeing me like I'd stolen something from him and he was afraid to confront me about it.

"What was I saying to her?  You worried I was hitting on your girl or something?"

"She's not my girl.  She's my little sister's best friend—she's basically like my other sister.  She's been through a lot in her life and I'm just making sure you're not gonna fuck around with her feelings."

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