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"Ahhh!!! That girl is driving me crazy." Alex whisper-yelled but Ric heared him.

"Oh yes! She's annoyingly cute. I just loved her irritating face." Said Ric

"Don't you dare to come between us. She's mine. when I get bored with her you can take her." Said Alex smirking.

Only Ric knows about real face of Alex.
"Oh please! If you're planning to play with Emma's heart, stay away from her. Because I fuckin love her. Go find someone else"

"Oh hell I'm not talking about Emma. I like Hazel. Come out of your imagination. She's not that cute but yeah I can make her mine too." Said Alex teasingly

"Stop it! Do whatever you want to do with Hazel. I don't care about her. But she won't even give you a look. I think she's just too innocent. Let see who'll impress her first."

"That'd be fun" said Alex.


"Emma, what do you think?" Asked Hazel

"About what?"
Emma's confused with a sudden question.

"About him"


Emma's curiosity kills her. She's dying to know what's Hazel thinking.

"That guy, who asked my name?"

"Oh my babie! Don't think about him. He's not worth it. You're very precious. Stay away from him. I don't get a good vibe from him. And his friend ...Ewww I feel like vomiting after thinking about them." Said Emma making a funny face.

Hazel started laughing out loud seeing her face.
That's what Emma wants to see
A happy face of Hazel..not worry.

Now they both laughing and gossiping for like hours and hours.


Next Day in College:

Emma and Hazel entered in the classroom but the whole classroom was empty. And in the last bench Alex and Ric were waiting for them.

After seeing them, girls decided to come out of the class but then Hazel suddenly heared her name.

"Hazel wait" said Alex

They both stopped.

"Hi Hazel"

"Hi Alex"

And then Ric came with an excited face.

"Wanna be friends?" Said Ric waiting for their positive response.

But the girls didn't say anything. Emma was glaring at Ric angrily and Hazel was really nervous and afraid because of Alex's yesterday behaviour.

"Oh come on girls we won't eat you. Let's hangout!" Said Ric

"Mhmmm okay" said Hazel
Emma was looking at Hazel surprisingly but later she was okay with it too because both the boys treating them really good.
Girls are happy with being their friends.

Now they're always together with each other... in the classroom, in the cafeteria, library, sports etc. They became really good friends.
But the girls don't know the intention of the boys.


Emma started developing feelings for Ric but hesitated to tell him because Ric showing more interest in Hazel because of the bet the boys made. Emma doesn't want to be a third wheel.
Emma also feels that Alex developed feelings for her best friend. She's really happy for her because Hazel always talk about Alex..Alex this Alex that.


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