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Hazel, Emma, Alex and Ric..
They're in the cafeteria.. chitchatting and laughing, enjoying their food and each other's company.

"Guys, I'll be back in 10 minutes." Suddenly Hazel started to walk away from them.

"Where are you going? I'll come with you." Said Alex stopping her by holding her wrist.

Hazel blushed.

"No no it's okay. I'm just going to library. I'll join you guys later." Hazel said leaving the cafeteria.


"I have to meet a friend. Join you later." Said Ric winking at Alex.

Alex understood what he's gonna do.

"Who's this friend? I haven't heard about him from you." Said Alex smirking.

"What're you doing? It's my turn. Don't try to ruin my plan." Ric whispered to Alex.

Emma was confused with their sudden questionable behaviour.

"What're you guys talking? Why are you not discussing with me?"

"It's nothing babe. Just stay out of it." said Ric very softly.
He's always soft towards Emma.

Emma was blushing when she heard her nickname given by Ric.
But Ric didn't notice Emma. He also walked out of the cafeteria leaving Alex and Emma alone.


Emma just wanted to spend some time alone so she decided to spend her time in library.
She was looking for a book, suddenly her eyes met two familiar faces.
She was about to go to them excitedly
But she stopped.

She just stopped at her place. She couldn't move an inch.

Her eyes filled with tears.

She ran out of the library with tear filled eyes. She's going to her apartment. Alex saw her. He tried to stop her and asked her what happened but she didn't say anything.

She ran and ran and just ran
Finally!! She's in apartment. And she cried. She cried really hard.

She never cry before. She's really strong.
But now,
She's crying
What made her so weak...


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