Chapter II

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I have never been the most talkative person in a group setting. However, as the van left Bayfield, I mustered up some courage to initiate small conversations with the rest of the group, aiming to get to know each of them better.

I shifted my gaze towards a gentleman with dark hair as he admired the natural scenery outside the window. Sliding closer to him, I extended a friendly greeting, "Hi there, I'm Yurie, may I ask your name?" Snapping out of his trance, the dark-haired guy responded with enthusiasm, "Oh, hey! Most people call me Mason." Curious, I inquired if this was his first time camping overnight. Nodding, he sighed and shared, "I've always felt a deep connection with nature, so it surprises people that I've never actually gone camping before." Letting out a chuckle, he continued, "It's rather amusing, isn't it?" I then answered, "Is there a particular reason you haven't camped before?"

Mason began to lower his head and prepare to respond, but before he could utter a word, Jason interrupted with a loud exclamation, "Anyone need to use the restroom? Now's your chance!" In response, Jason and a group of individuals got up from their seats, leaving only me and the girl with blonde hair.

She rose from her seat and extended her hand, gesturing for me to shake it. "I'm Harper," she said, flashing a smile. As our hands connected, a jolt of electricity coursed through my arm. Startled, I let go and examined my trembling hand while Harper chuckled at my reaction. "Nice to meet you too," I muttered. "Sorry, but you're just so gullible! I have a feeling we'll get along well," she quipped. She wasn't entirely wrong, considering I stopped believing in Santa Claus long before other kids.

Returning to her seat, Harper plugged in her earphones, and I could have sworn I heard her still laughing to herself.

After everyone had boarded the van, we continued our journey. Curiosity got the better of me, so I approached Mason to inquire about the estimated time of arrival, although I made sure to clarify that I wasn't growing impatient or anything of the sort. Mason informed me that it would be at least another 10 minutes.

The van made a swift journey, and before they knew it, it was gradually entering a small, peculiarly barren parking lot. The arrival seemed to be greeted with enthusiasm and anticipation, particularly by the organizer, Christy. Once Jason parked the van, everyone unloaded their luggage and bags onto the chilly pavement.

I took out my backpack and placed it on the ground to observe the lush vegetation that encompassed the empty space. A far-off, slender black shape drew my gaze, propped against a tree just thirty yards away from the van, making it impossible to overlook. I strained my eyes to discern it more clearly, but in an instant, it vanished as mysteriously as it appeared. Did anyone else witness its presence, or was I the only one?

Christy signaled with her whistle, declaring, "Attention, everyone! We are about to embark on our journey up into the forest to reach the campsite, covering a distance of 1.4 miles." Eagerly, I hoisted my backpack onto my shoulders and joined the back of the line, trailing behind Mason.

I followed the group, and before long, we came across a magnificent sight: a stunning, white cascade, pouring into a vast pool of water. It truly took my breath away. Christy took the lead and guided us to traverse some rocks that jutted out of the stream, allowing us to cross to the other side.

I attempted to look up at the waterfall but almost lost my footing, saved by Mason, who grabbed my arm to steady me. "Oh, thank you," I expressed my gratitude. "That was a close call; I would have had to jump in and rescue you," he teased, to which I responded by rolling my eyes.

We successfully crossed the stream without anyone falling in. Curiosity compelled me to sneak a glance back at the flowing water, and to my surprise, I caught sight of the dark figure once more! But this time, it wasn't just a mere blur; it was a terrifying wendigo!

The creature had drawn closer, allowing me to discern its features in greater detail. Standing at approximately 6ft tall, its piercing amber eyes seemed to stare right through me. Thick antlers protruded from its skull, and its slim body was as black as the night. It locked its gaze onto me, lowering itself onto all fours in a menacing crouch.

Yet, strangely, everyone around me remained oblivious to the presence of this stalking entity.

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