Chapter VII

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She was in a surreal state, immersed in a dream where a harsh voice beckoned her. "If you let me take control, you have the potential to harness unimaginable power. We will be unstoppable."

Yurie jolted awake, drenched in a sweat, after her nightmare. She glanced around the dimly lit cave, but her father was nowhere to be seen. Standing up from the ground, she approached the icy stone, and gently ran her hand across the crimson patterns.

She eagerly called out to her father, but the only response she received was the echoing silence. Could she have only been hallucinating all night? She made the decision to venture into the cave during the absence of the wendigo.

As she made her way deeper into the cave, an increasing number of stones adorned with striking crimson patterns came into her line of sight. Curiously, she approached one of many massive stones and carefully observed the intricate patterns on its surface.

The stone patterns became more visible as sunlight seeped through the crevices in the cave's ceiling. The illustrations depicted a small figure with an additional face on its head, which appeared to be monstrous in comparison.

She was taken aback as her eyes beheld the sight on the rock, gently touching the back of her head in astonishment. Suddenly, an intense pounding sensation overwhelmed her head, causing her vision to blur unexpectedly. She made every effort to maintain her balance and avoid injuring herself.

She heard a rough voice speaking to her telepathically, saying, "That is who we are." I exclaimed, "Who are you, and why are you inside my mind!?"

In a soft whisper, it murmured, "I am your dormant twin, a silent presence that has accompanied you throughout your entire existence."

Yurie's response was, "I never had a twin; all I am aware of is that my parents were attacked by a wendigo, preventing me from ever discovering the truth!"

"Our father is lying to you, there was never such creature but us," it hissed back. "What do you mean?" Yurie asked. "I understand if you find it hard to believe, but I unintentionally caused the death of our parents sixteen years ago."

"I caused the demise of both your friends after gaining control over our body, I take full blame."

Yurie inquired, "Why haven't I heard from you throughout those sixteen years?" The voice remained silent for a moment, but replied, "The surge of the electrical current is what revived me."

Yurie thought to herself if the joy buzzer Harper pranked her with is what the voice was talking about. She had to see if the voice was really telling the truth before believing anything it has to say.

"If you were really watching life pass by through my eyes, can you recall what "our" grandmother did for my thirteenth birthday?"

"Our grandmother took you to visit Niagara Falls, its very beautiful," the voice nonchalantly responded. Despite the accuracy of the voice, Yurie remained perplexed by the fact that she had a twin.

She was filled with a great sense of excitement as she looked forward to spending quality time with her twin, who would be there to keep her company.

The voice suddenly blurted out, "Are you interested in challenging your untapped abilities that have been kept hidden away for all these years?"

"Could I retain some control and awareness if I allow you partial control?"

"Of course, but, it's been such a considerate amount of time since I've had the taste."

"What taste?"

"The taste of human flesh, it has always been a big part of our sustenance." Yurie was caught off guard by her twin's words, were they out of their mind?!
Yes, I see the irony.

She concealed herself within a nearby bush, observing a solitary hiker trudging wearily along a path.
"What do I do now?"
Yurue experienced an unexpected surge of a tingling feeling, as if electricity coursed through her body. Her vision became intense and fiery, akin to that of a snake. She felt invigorated, as if she possessed the ability to run endless miles at will.

With her consent, her twin possessed the power to manipulate her actions, and as a unified force, they sprinted towards the oblivious hiker at full speed.

Her left arm tightly gripped the hiker's neck, causing him to struggle for breath as he let out desperate gasps. She could feel her heart pounding with excitement. With an incredible display of power, she effortlessly hoisted him upwards.

Her teeth sank into his flank, sensing the heated stream of blood. She eagerly drank in the crimson cascade flowing from his wounds with her lips.

With a sense of fulfillment, she swiftly and seamlessly rendered his neck incapable of movement and roughly dropped the lifeless body onto the concrete road.

They hurriedly entered back into the forest away from the bloody scene.
The twin asked, "So, how did our kill go?"
"I had never felt that great in my entire life!" Yurie confessed.
"Can you believe this was what you've been missing out on?"
"I believe it isn't right to take someone's life without a valid cause."
"You want reason?"
"I suggest we start our own crime-fighting initiative. Y'know target the people undeserving."

After a brief pause, the twin remained silent, carefully considering her words. They then replied, "I suppose we could." She was happy to receive their approval. "May I kindly ask you of your name, so I know what to call you?" Yurie chirped.

"You can call me, Elektra."

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