Chapter XV

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The festival had been a vibrant and joyous affair, filled with laughter and happiness. As Mason and I walked hand in hand on our way home, our minds were still buzzing with the events of the day.

Earlier, I had faced a menacing wendigo, a haunting figure from our past that had wreaked havoc. With courage and my unique abilities, I had managed to fend it off and send it fleeing.

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt for leaving soon, but the invading question tickled my mind: why would the aggressor attempt to devour its own kind? They could've been from different clans, pointing out territorial reasoning.

Amidst my contemplation, a sudden flash of lightning and the distant rumble of thunder caught me off guard, as if nature itself was joining in on my confusion. I brushed it off, leaving it at that. It wasn't until the gentle droplets of rain lightly tapped on my skin that I realized the approaching storm.

I extended my hand to experience the light drizzle, breathing in the new, fresh scents. Glancing at Mason, his expression still radiated sheer elation from the festival. This sight brought a smile to my face, knowing that he had indeed enjoyed himself.

I found it impossible to tear my gaze away from him, as if I were entranced. "Is something the matter?" he asked, prompting me to avert my eyes, nervously waving my hands as I stammered, "Uh, no! It's just that you look amazing in the rain! Actually, you look great every day!" He chuckled and graciously thanked me for the compliment.

I yearned to kiss him, but my shyness always held me back. I felt like he had to make all the moves in our relationship. I didn't want my shyness to make him think I didn't love him. Summoning my courage, I awkwardly let my arm slither around his, our fingers interlocking, albeit with his peculiar talons. I gazed at his wendigo form, and he softly shrieked back at me, affectionately nuzzling his skull against the top of my soggy hair.

With a fluttering sensation in my belly and my face growing warm, he never failed to evoke these feelings in me. Despite his monstrous appearance, deep down he was like a contented puppy. In his wendigo form, I couldn't bring myself to kiss him, but I was willing to try. Standing on tiptoes, I attempted to reach his towering height.

I might suggest that I could simply summon Elektra to assist me up, but it would have been embarrassing, and they were occupied with more pressing matters. Suddenly, I lost my footing and clumsily almost stumbled face-first into the sludge. It all happened so quickly, leaving me feeling defeated and disheartened.

However, just as I let my shoulders sag, I felt soft talons gently gripping my waist and wrist, providing enough support to prevent any harm. Slowly, I was lifted to my feet and then lifted higher, resting my head in the crook of the Mason's neck. Despite the smell of copper and death surrounding him, I didn't care.

I wet my lips with a flick of my tongue and pressed my face against his skull.
Just as I was preparing to take action, a deer appeared out of nowhere, startling us and causing us to tumble down a slippery mud trench. When we finally reached the bottom, I found myself still clinging to his chest, while his fur was now completely covered in mud from head to hoof. I couldn't help but laugh at the comical sight as I used my hand to wipe some of the mud off him. Releasing my grip, I took a moment to survey our surroundings, which struck me as strangely familiar. The sound of water cascading was louder than the rain falling around us. I extended a hand to help him up, and he followed me on all fours as we went closer to the sound. As I approached, the sight before me took my breath away. I blinked my eyes repeatedly to confirm that what I was seeing was real, and a grin spread across my face when it indeed was.

We stumbled upon the familiar waterfall that held special memories for us. The moonlight illuminated the cascading water, evoking a rush of emotions and recollections. My thoughts whirled as I gazed at the mesmerizing sight, replaying moments of shared laughter, whispered secrets, and stolen glances in my mind.

I thought I'd never see this place again after two whole years. That fateful evening when the tragedy unfolded and I encountered Mason was a profound mixture of joy and sorrow. It stands as a bittersweet memory, for while my friends missed out on witnessing the breathtaking waterfall, I hold onto the belief that they have found peace alongside celestial beings up above.

Sensing my inner turmoil, Mason reassured me with a gentle squeeze of his hand. We found a comfortable spot on a nearby rock, accompanied by the soothing symphony of rustling leaves and the patter of rain.

As we settled, Mason's eyes reflected the lightning streaking across the sky, creating a fleeting glow of both his forms. A soft smile danced on his mouth as we leaned into each other, finding solace in each other's presence. In hushed voices, barely audible above a whisper, we engaged in heartfelt conversation.

We discussed my twin, a looming apparition of my subconscious, the battle I had fought, and the precious moments we had shared. I let out a quiet sigh, my mind fading into the twilight hours. Mason, always understanding, listened patiently and offered words of comfort and resilience.

Though the weight of my twin's presence remained, a persistent companion, it now felt distant, overshadowed by the enchantment of the present moment. Locking eyes with me, Mason's gaze conveyed love and concern.

He comprehended my struggle, having battled his own inner wendigo and acceptance. Eventually, our conversation subsided, and we found contentment in simply being together, embracing the sounds of the water and the symphony of nature.

Our thoughts flowed freely, intermingling with the rushing water. As the night progressed, the stars twinkled above us. The waterfall, our sacred sanctuary, appeared to shimmer in the moon's silver glow, enveloping us in a serene atmosphere.

A comforting warmth enveloped me, melting away the fears of the day. I glanced at Mason, who mirrored my feelings of solace and relief.

The encounter from earlier, the threatening wendigo, now nothing more than a shadow we left behind. All that mattered was our bond and the love we shared.

The wendigo within me remained hushed, lulled into tranquility by the serenity of the waterfall. It was as if the natural beauty had a calming effect on its restless spirit.

Slowly, the first rays of dawn emerged, casting a warm, orange hue through the canopy of trees. The clouds dispersed on their own accord, revealing the waterfall in all its shimmering glory.

Both of us rose from the boulder, and I softly hummed as we guided each other to the pool. As anticipated, Mason playfully teased me, enticing me to join him on the water. Just like before, he effortlessly skipped on the water's surface. Curious, I inquired, "What if I can't walk on it like you?" He whispered in response, "You don't doubt, be adaptable; you flow with it, becoming one with it."

Although I loved him, he expected me to just walk on water, as he believed. Taking a deep breath, I let go of all thoughts and started moving hesitantly towards the water, shutting my eyes in anticipation. Sinking into the water with every step, I couldn't tell if I was already standing on the water's surface, as the rain had already drenched me completely.

"Yurie, open your eyes and see!" I glanced down at my legs, astounded to find myself gliding across the surface as if I were on a boat at sea. This newfound ability was something I hadn't expected as part of the wendigo bloodline. Embracing my role among them mean't accepting my inhuman powers and appearance. It was a journey of self-acceptance, one that Mason, and Elektra guided me through. I exclaimed with excitement, "I suppose I am!"

My vision faded, my ears were filled with distorted screams, "Elektra? What is happening to you?!" As I fell through the boundary separating water and air, a suffocating tightness gripped my lungs. Desperately, I called out for Mason, but my voice emerged as garbled gurgles.

I was engulfed by the water surrounding me, paralyzed, and as I took my last breath, darkness prevailed.
Note: Mason was constantly changing from human to wendigo in this chapter.

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