Chapter VIII

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The twins utilized their supernatural swiftness to exit the forest and make their way back to Bayfield. Yurie insisted on going back for her bag before leaving as it held special meaning to her. Meanwhile, the physical twin pondered how she would approach their grandmother.

As the clock struck midnight, the distant glow of Bayfield's streetlights caught my attention. I made an effort to avoid being consumed by thoughts of what awaited me upon reaching my grandmother's doorstep.

As we ventured into the quiet streets of the tranquil city, we made a sharp turn, arriving at the familiar corner of my own residential street. After a short while, we reached the rustic wooden house, where my twin relinquished all physical control to focus solely on observation.

I approached the slightly drawn curtain, ensuring my appearance was presentable. Nervously, I approached the door and pressed the small doorbell.

As I listened, I could hear the sound of shuffled footsteps approaching the front door from the other side. My dear grandmother graciously opened the door, marking the arrival of a significant moment.

Upon seeing me return early from my journey, my grandmother exclaimed, "oh my, what brings you back so soon? Please, do come inside!"

Upon entering the doorway, the lingering aroma of pine and sage, familiar to me for as long as I can recall, embraced the house. Setting the purple backpack down.

I closed the door after entering and settled onto the comfortable sofa while my grandmother busied herself in the kitchen, preparing tea for the both of us.

I silently communicated with Elektra on how I would convey the information to our grandmother. They casually responded with 'just get to the point without making her lose consciousness'.

With a tray in hand, she entered the room, balancing two steaming cups of tea. As she placed the tray onto the petite table in front of the sofa, I eagerly reached in to grab one. With a worried expression in her eyes, she settled into the seat beside me and asked, "did something happen at the camp?"

I took a delicate sip of my tea, blowing on it lightly, before replying, "was I ever born with a twin?" As my words escaped my mouth, I noticed a shift in her facial expression. Whispering, she said, "following the day your parents disappeared, I paid a visit to your mother's pediatrician."

"According to the doctor, it has been revealed that you were born with a conjoined twin attached to your brain. Due to the high risk of fatality and potential dangers involved, the decision was made to refrain from surgically removing it from your brain."

"Although it all adds up, were you aware of the fact that my twin sibling is still alive?"

"Yes, I was aware of Elektra's existence. However, when you turned three years old, I had to make a decision that I would come to regret."

"What decision was that?"

"It appears that your twin has fallen victim to a malevolent wendigo spirit, which in turn has influenced you to act aggressively towards others. After Elektra possessed your body and ended the life of a young boy who had pushed you into the mud, I made the decision to silence them, forever."

"But", I protested, "Elektra was merely just attempting to protect me." Abruptly, I rose from the couch and marched upstairs to my room, abandoning her on the sofa. She softly called out, "Yurie!" But I brushed her off.

As I reached for the doorknob to my room, a sudden change of mind led me to divert towards the bathroom instead. I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me, before turning on the light.

As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I came to the realization that a hot shower is what I needed. I undressed and let the warm water flow as I turned on the shower. As the water lightly sprinkled onto my skin, I couldn't help but notice the soothing sensation it brought to the healing wound on my shoulder.

After enjoying the refreshing shower, I gently dried myself with a fresh towel, wrapping it snugly around my body as I made my way towards my room.

As I switched on the light, I couldn't help but notice how my room seemed more appealing before I left, likely because I had grown accustomed to sleeping outdoors. After quickly changing into a t-shirt and shorts, I collapsed onto the bed, feeling utterly exhausted.

At that very instant, my thoughts drifted towards my friends who had died, particularly the one with dark hair. I couldn't help but question his name momentarily, until it struck me --Mason!

Despite Mason's kindness towards me, I unknowingly ended up taking his life. I was tormented by the guilt until I finally succumbed to sleep.

While I was immersed in a world of dreams, someone gently tapped my shoulder, prompting me to turn around and discover their identity.

There was a striking resemblance between me and this other young girl, but her hair was a shade darker and her eyes emitted a mesmerizing golden hue.

"Elektra, is that really you?"

"Yes, it's me. I sensed the sorrow that resonated within you for your dear friends -- we share the same feelings."

"I forgive you. I wasn't really that close with them anyway."

"Good to hear. My purpose for appearing in your dream was to inform you that one individual from the group is indeed still living."

The next morning...

I was roused from my sleep by my grandmother's voice at the doorway, informing me that there was someone waiting for me at the front door.

Before heading downstairs to find out who it was, I extended my apologies to her for abruptly ending our conversation from the previous night. She said 'to not worry about it'.

I cleared the fatigue from my eyes and glanced downwards, spotting a young boy standing by the doorway. As I approached, he must have caught the sound of my footsteps and shifted his gaze in my direction.


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