Chapter XVII

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Each night, Yurie observed a recurring pattern. An incinerating hole, the same question repeatedly. If her grandmother had the will to silence the unsettling whispers of a wendigo for many years then, why did she not make the effort to do so now?

Elektra was finally coming to terms with something. Why hadn't she confided in Yurie earlier? She meant, she'd been feeling her strength wane away, but she attributed it to sharing her body with another living organism. Yet, despite the constant struggle, she refused to see Elektra as a threat. She believed that they could coexist, even though we were two very different beings.

However, it seems that no two individuals can truly get along because everyone is unique in their own ways, and some people are unwilling to accept those differences. Her and Elektra were two sides of the same coin, bound together in a complex, often tumultuous relationship.

It pained her to witness Elektra's descent into darkness, but she remained determined to be the light that guided her back to the path of redemption.

As she lay on her bed, indulging in the timeless charm of Blondie's "Call Me" streaming through her earbuds, she couldn't help but immerse herself in the enchanting world of 80s music. Its infectious tunes and uplifting vibe never failed to captivate her. In that moment, a thought crossed her mind - could Elektra, their connection fortified by our telepathic tunnel, perhaps be tuning into her inner musings? She found herself fervently wishing that she was.

Days were turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Yurie tirelessly worked to find a way to help Elektra overcome her inner demons. She sought out ancient texts, consulted wise elders, and delved deep into the recesses of my her soul. Every bit of knowledge she gained, she shared with Elektra, hoping to ignite a spark of change within her heart.

However, as time went on, Elektra's unhappiness continued to deepen. She found herself plagued by her very existence and the inner conflict that tore her apart. Her greatest desire was to break free from her humane nature and to suppress the insatiable hunger that consumed her. Despite this, she couldn't help but harbor resentment towards Yurie, the sole source of warmth and illumination in her desolate, icy abyss.

Yurie had seen the best in people, even when they had forgotten how to see it in themselves. She believed that the shining light could conquer any darkness, even the darkest corners of Elektra's soul. She wouldn't let Elektra become a mere monster, stripped of all humanity. Even as her hope began to wane, a glimmer of understanding washed over her.

She squeezed her eyes shut in determination, ready to delve into the depths of her subconscious where Elektra awaited. It proved to be a longer journey, as she resisted her presence and continuously pushed Yurie away. The nostalgic tunes of the 80s began fading in and out of her ears, their echoes gradually diminishing. Finally, after persistent effort, she successfully reached her.

She was in the heart of a dense forest, where the sunlight rarely pierced through the thick canopy of leaves. She followed closely behind, guided by an instinct that led her to a place where she could sense her.

It wasn't just her proximity that mattered, but a connection to her core. Gradually, Yurie came to realize that the purpose of this journey was not to rescue Elektra, but to embrace her true essence. She understood that her suffering stemmed not from her mere existence, but from her refusal to accept it. As Elektra's malevolence threatened to overpower her, she grew fearful of losing the twin to the relentless darkness that haunted her.

Once again, she heard that familiar voice. It was her own voice, yet it felt foreign, like a radio transmission from another realm. It commanded her to commit unspeakable acts, to intimidate and to destroy.

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