Chapter XI

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Elektra woke me up in the middle of the night from a frightening dream, offering their most comforting support imaginable.

Elektra insisted, "come on, Yurie, I fucking know that you have the hots for Mason." I sleepily mentioned, "I believe it's you who does."

"Girl, no way. I can see how you're looking at him."

"This is conversation is over, and thank you for waking me up." As I shifted my body in the bed, I reached out to relieve an itch on my back, only to unexpectedly brush against a patch of something soft and furry.

I released a small gasp before swiftly getting out of bed. With determination, I proceeded to open my bedroom door and navigate to the bathroom. I gently closed the bathroom door behind me before flicking on the light switch, allowing my gaze to be captivated by my reflection.

I raised my tank top and turned my back to the mirror, glancing at my reflection. I was stunned, locked in disbelief, when I caught sight of a cluster of ebony fur before me. I was certain that my eyes were not playing tricks on me.

Elektra maniacally laughed in response to my predicament. I sobbed, angrily exclaiming, "This is entirely your fault, and it's not something to joke about!"

"Relax, just shave it off if you don't like it."

"Why is this happening to me?!"

"You seem to be feeling the effects of the curse now."

"Am I nearing the stage where I will transform into an exact physical replica of you?"

"Not en-"

When I glanced at my hand, a horrified scream escaped my lips as I observed that my fingers had been replaced by menacingly sharp talons.

"Let's leave this place before our grandmother wakes up", Elektra suggested. Without a moment's hesitation, I stealthily tiptoed by her room before swiftly racing down the stairs towards the back door. With a powerful swing, I flung it open and sprinted towards the woods, moving with a inexplicable, supernatural speed.

Silently, I navigated the darkness, adrenaline surging through my veins with every step. The rhythmic thuds of my shoes against the pavement transported me back to the eerie encounter I had with the scout wendigo during one of my nocturnal walks.

"This should be far enough."

In a fit of frustration, I frantically scratched at a nearby tree. Every inch of my skin was now covered in a thick layer of ebony fur, causing me to feel nauseated at my own appearance.

From behind me, a raspy voice called out, "It isn't as terrible as it seems."
With lightning speed, I instinctively lunged my arm in the direction of the sound, blindly attempting to strike whoever it was. However, they skillfully evaded my attack, swiftly seizing my arm and forcefully immobilizing me against the ground.

I fiercely resisted, flailing my legs in an attempt to free myself from whoever had a hold on me. "Please, calm down Yurie or I'll have to kill you if you keep resisting," they warned.

Motionless, I gazed upwards at my captor. I recognized the black wendigo instantly - it was none other than Mason, does he live in these woods or something? Annoyed, I forcefully pushed him away from me. "You fool! You nearly scared me half to death!" I muttered in frustration, dusting myself off.

As he transformed back into his human form, he expressed admiration for my new appearance. The fur seamlessly shed from his skin and his talons gracefully receded into his fingers. I gazed at him with amazement and questioned, "How are you able to do that?"

With a smirk, he shared, "I've got a couple of tips on how to maintain this level of good looks."

"Not that", rolling my eyes. He sarcastically noted, "Oh, so you're talking about the process of turning back into a human. It takes a minimum of four months to fully master it."

"I don't have four months, I gotta get back to my grandmother..", my heart sank into my stomach. Approaching me with a gentle touch on my shoulders, he reassuredly uttered, "It's not as terrible as it seems - all you need to do is let go of any tension."

I experienced a wave of calmness wash over me as our foreheads met, our eyes closing simultaneously. I could feel the black fur fall off, one strand at a time. The night was completely dark, the moonlight appeared faint, yet in that peaceful moment, I could sense his lips gently touching mine.

As our bodies pressed together, his warm breath gently brushed against my face, creating an intimate connection. Amused by his uncertainty, I couldn't help but giggle as he finally found a comfortable place to rest his hands - around my back.

He abruptly pulled his face from me.. just as things were getting exciting! "I never realized you had those feelings for me," he playfully taunted. Is he kidding with me? He was the one who initiated the kiss in the first place.

Before I could respond he asked, "I'm sorry for earlier. Did you decide whether to trust me or not?"

"Although your shenanigans can be annoying as hell, I am sure that you are not one to make stuff up."

"If that's your final answer. Let's continue where we left off", he winked. He tilted my head back over his arm, gently pressing his lips against mine again. The kiss started softly, but quickly escalated in intensity, causing me to hold onto him tightly in the midst of a dizzying and unstable reality.

His persistent mouth parted my quivering lips, igniting sensations I never knew I could experience. Just as my head began to spin with a euphoric dizziness, I became aware that I was eagerly returning the kiss.

After a few more minutes, he vanished into the forest while the distant echoes of my grandmother's calls filled the air.

I gently pressed my fingers against my tingling lips, concealing the evidence of his affectionate marks by letting down my hair.

With determination, I headed towards my grandmother and greeted her with a wave. "Why did you venture out so late at night?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.

Flashing an innocent smile, I replied, "I believed I heard an animal in the yard, so I went out to investigate."
"Let's go, we're heading back to the house," she said, motioning for me to come along.

Glancing back at the towering trees, I caught sight of Mason in his wendigo form, positioned on all fours and forming a heart shape with his hands. My heart did somersaults as I smiled to myself.

Elektra's voice was filled with smugness as she telepathically exclaimed, "I knew it." I whispered, cautioning, "I hope you weren't watching us." Elektra retorted, "Perhaps I did, or maybe I didn't."

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