Chapter 24: Right behind you.

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Iyana's POV

I take my bags and get inside my car and drive off. It feels good to start your Monday morning with no husband hovering over you. I shuffle my playlist and the song Like you'll never see me again by Alicia Keys starts playing. This woman has such a great voice such a shame I don't relate to the lyrics of this song. The best thing that would happen in my life is to wake up single again.

I get to my workplace and go inside my office. I take out a bottle of water from the fridge and sit down. Bokang comes in and we greet each other. "My beautiful boss." she says. "My sexy PA." She giggles. "Uright?"(Are you okay?) "I'm okay I'm just tired. Wena." "I'm good." She wiggles her eyebrows and i laugh.

"You got laid." I say. "She was so good wena. I didn't sleep last night. Ungibona ngila ngoba I remembered that i get paid and my bills need to be paid." she says and i laugh. (You seeing me here because.) "TMI Bokang. Now do your job so you can get paid by the end of the month."

She rolls her eyes. "Your meetings for today is one with Ms. Naidoo at 9:00. You also have been invited by her to this charity event. They raising awareness on gender based violence. It's on the 22nd of June. You have a meeting with the shareholders at 11:30. And for the event you gotta bring a date and don't think you can run away from this one." I groan.

"Can i just ditch the event cause I know I don't have a date." I say and she shakes her head no. "Your husband," "Don't tell me about that one." "Sneaky link?" "I'm trying to end things with him so attending this event might give him hopes that we will end up together and those are problems that I don't want and need." "You have to find a date soon."

"I guess I can ask my brother if his around on that day." I say. "Do it soon. You will go to the boutique at 15:00 so you can try out dresses." she says. "Okay thanks." She stands up and leaves. Who the fuck must I call now to accompany me to this event cause I definitely ain't asking Nkosinathi neither am I asking sneaky link.

My life is filled with drama I can't create on my own and this drama is draining. Maybe I can call my dad. I'm sure he wouldn't mind going with me and we can use it as a chance to fix our relationship. I take out my phone and dial his number.

"Iyana." he says. "Baba unjani?" I ask. "Ngiyaphila wena." "Nami ngiyaphila. Ubusy?" "Cha we can talk is everything okay." "Everything is okay I just need a favour from you." "I'm listening." "I'm going to this other event and they require me to bring a date even though I don't know why they would do that." He chuckles.

"Ask Nkosinathi." he says. "His busy on that day that's why I'm calling you." I say. "When is the date?" "22nd of June." "Let me check my schedule quickly." I hear some shuffling and i wait for a few minutes. "I'm sorry sthandwa sami I'm busy too on that day." "Okay it's fine I'll ask someone else." "Sure. Mara wena uright?"

"I'm okay baba." I say. "Thats good. I'll call you later so we can talk properly." he says and i roll my eyes and sigh. "No problem." "Ngiyakthanda ndodakazi ka baba." (I love you daddy's daughter.) "Nami ngiyakthanda baba." He drops the phone and i sigh. (I love you too dad.)

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