Chapter 76: Inner gangster.

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Nkosinathi's POV

I finally manage to calm Muzi down and we walk out leaving the women behind. I should have trusted Iyana more when she told me about this and we would have rushed back to the hospital. Not that I was calling her bluff I just didn't know what to think of it at that time but now I know I should have taken her more seriously than I did.

Now there is no time for wishful thinking we should try and find a way to bring the baby home safe and sound. It's unsafe for a new born baby to be outside and be exposed to the air and all that. I just hope wherever they are planning to keep him they should just keep him safe until we get there. I already know who it is that did it and I'm sad that my worst nightmare has been confirmed.


"I swear please believe me I would never try and cause trouble." she says and i roll my eyes. "You said that before and look how things ended so what makes things different this time around." I say. "Because I've changed Nkosinathi I'm not that same person you knew before I've changed." I scoff.

"Baba uyayikholwa lento?" I ask and he sighs. (Dad do you believe this.) "Let's talk about this outside." says dad and we stand up and walk outside. "Her information is valid so I see no reason to not believe her." "After all the shit she's done baba and you still want to take her word." says Mpendulo. "I believe what she's telling me but I don't trust her and her intentions." "You so naive baba." I say.

"Let's take her word for it and move on and come up with a plan." says dad. "Fine." We walk back inside and she jumps from her seat. "What are you hiding?" I ask. "I'm not hiding anything. Nkosinathi why don't you believe me when I say I have changed." she asks. "A leopard never changes it's spots."

"I promise you I would never lie to you again I have learnt my lesson." she says and i roll my eyes. We sit down and she continues telling us what she knows about the Zikalala's and their attack. I still don't believe a word she's saying but since my dad has been brainwashed by her I have no choice but to tolerate this shit. She eventually leaves and i sigh a sigh of relief. "I still don't believe a word she says." I mumble.

End of flashback.

"She put cameras in our office." I say. "Who?" asks Mpendulo. "You know who I'm talking about. That day that she came to give us our supposed answers was the day she planted the cameras or listening devices. I remember when we walked back in she was jumpy so I know she did something. That's how they found our location."

"Fuck." mumbles dad. "Ngakukhuza baba ngale ntombazana wena wahala wathi uyathembeka." I say. (I warned you dad about this girl and you sat down and said you believe her.) "Nkosinathi this isn't the time for I told you so we need to come up with a plan to bring back our baby safe and sound." says Lufuno. "You right." We get inside dad's car and he closes the door and sighs. "Do you think they are still watching us?" asks her dad.

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