Chapter 42: Introductions.

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Iyana's POV
Few weeks later..

Things have been akward between us and i have tried numerous times to apologize for the things I said that night but he keeps on shutting me out. I understand I was wrong but I wish he would give me a chance to explain and fix things. I don't like the tension between us and it's not only caused by that but also my feelings for him.

I thought that me moving on and finding someone my feelings will end but no they have intensified. I doubt there is even chemistry between me and Mabutho. The more I try and ignore them the bigger they get. I miss him and his cuddles. I just wish we could get back to normal but that's only wishful thinking right.

Besides my issues at home my relationship is going okay. We are growing closer everyday and i like every moment we spend together because his able to distract me from my own problems and his just a nice person to be around him. I still haven't established whether I have feelings for him or I'm just using him to escape my problems but one thing I know is that I don't feel the spark between us.

I take my phone from the night stand and i see a please call from my mom. So early in the morning and she's already looking for me. I wonder what felony I have committed. I dial her number and call her. It rings for a few seconds before she picks up.

"Hi mama." I greet. "Unjani last born?" she asks and i smile. "Ngiyaphila wena mama." "Nami ngiyaphila." "To what do i owe a special call so early in the morning." "You and i haven't talked in a while and i just wanted to check on you." "You wanted to check or are you here for gossip." "Both." I chuckle.

"I'm fine mama." I say. "Your dad talked to me." she says. "About what?" "He told me that you have a boyfriend." "I can't believe he was able to be quiet about this news for so long. I'm actually proud." "And his livid about the whole thing." "So mina I must remain celibate for the rest of my life? Personally I feel like if things were the other way round you wouldn't mind and you would want me to accept."

She sighs. "This is not about that. I don't know how to explain this to you but you can't do that cause in the end you will be hurting the guy you with." she says. "Please explain." I say. "Only if you come home." "You know I'm not coming there anymore. I have trust issues because of you people and i won't come to the people that hurt me the most."

"Please end things with your boyfriend Iyana it won't end well." she says. "I'm not about to lose my happiness to meet your selfish needs. If you called me early in the morning to ruin the mood then you shouldn't have bothered." I say. "I didn't call to ruin your mood. I just miss you and i want you to come and visit."

"I'm busy." I say. "You always busy Iyana. You used to make time for me back then." she says. "Ma you guys hurt me too much so please don't expect anything from me." "Okay. But please call me more often. I miss hearing your voice." I blink away the tears that want to escape. "I shall see about that."  "Okay princess. I love you." "I love you too." She drops the phone and i sigh.

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