Chapter 43: Stay for the night.

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Iyana's POV

Who would have thought that I, Iyana Dlamini, would be meeting my boyfriend's baby mama this soon. I'm sure we are yet to celebrate our one month anniversary that's if we celebrate but I'm here meeting his baby mama and son. I won't lie the son looks exactly like him, a true definition of copy and paste.

"Sanibonani." I greet. (Hello.) "Mabutho you don't waste time neh." says Rea. How can co-parents be wasting time now? "Waste time?" I ask. "Yes waste time. Zolo lokhu maka bizi nami." (Just yesterday he was busy with me.) "You've got to be kidding me. When is zolo lokhu?" (just yesterday.) "Two weeks back and now I'm surprised to find you sitting here playing house with my man."

I laugh, I let out a full blown laugh mixed with tears and they all look at me like I'm psychotic which I'm not. I calm down from my fit of laughter and stare at Mabutho. I can see sweat form on his forehead and his nervous. I'm sure my facial expression doesn't make matters any better. "Explain." I say.

"Baby..." he says but I cut him off. "Ngithe explain ubaby ungenaphi kuexplain. You told me that you just co-parents and there is nothing going on between you two so what's with these allegations now." (I said explain, where does the nickname come in with explaining.) "It's complicated." "Complicated se voet." "We meet up once in a while." "But you are just co-parents."

"Yes baby. I wanted to end things with her that night but unfortunately one thing led to another." he says. "Whatever you can keep your shitty story. I'm leaving and don't you dare contact me again otherwise I'll show you flames." I say and stand up and take my bag and leave. I hear him call out my name but I ignore him. That's so low of him.

To cheat on me with the mother of your child and then tell me that you guys are just co-parents. He didn't even feel guilty after the whole thing because he still continued playing perfect boyfriend or maybe he was trying to compensate the guilt that was eating him up from the inside.

I get inside my car and rest my head on the steering wheel. There is a knock on my window and i know who it is. I look up and i see Mabutho standing there. I bring the ignition to life and open the window. "I said stay away from me Mabutho." I say. "I know but please give me a chance to explain myself." he says.

"I did give you a chance already. You told me you wanted to end things but in the end you had sex with her." I say and he sighs. "You know Mabutho if you wanted sex you should have told me but you had to go back to the mother of your child and that's fine. Go play happy family together and leave me alone. It's over."

"Please give me a chance to fix things. I really like what we have going on between us and let's not let things come between us." he says. "What does she have that I don't? A child." I say. "No its not about what you have and don't have. It was a mistake." "Okay but some mistakes have deadly consequences and this is one of them. Leave me alone and don't bother calling me. And what your co-parent did was low to expose you in front of your son." "I.."

I reverse the car and drive off leaving him looking like the fool he is. Am I not enough? Will I ever be enough for men? Njalo nje i must always question my self worth when I'm with men. Kahle kahle they not men cause real men will never make you feel this way.


"Don't come here and act better with me. Nobody is going to love you. Nobody will ever listen to you. You lucky I even gave you the time of day. So you going to listen to me and never question anything I do cause it's coming from a place of love." says Keketso.

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