Chapter 48: Stay away.

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Iyana's POV

I didn't expect Andiswa's apology today but I'm glad she did apologize. I don't know what made her realise her mistakes but I'm happy. I appreciate her apology and i can tell that she is being genuine. I hope from now on we don't have anymore fights. I deserve a break and i want us to have a good relationship because she is the only sister in law I have and i would like to build a good relationship with her.

We finish eating and i stand up and take the plates and walk to the kitchen. Ma comes in and pours the water in the sink and starts washing the dishes while I dry them. "So are you and Nkosinathi a thing now?" she asks. "Sort of. We didn't want to tell anyone so soon because we want to see if it will work out." I answer.

"I have faith in your relationship and i know it will prosper into something beautiful. Everything happens for a reason and who knows maybe God wanted you to skip the dating phase and jump straight into marriage." she says and i chuckle. "Would have appreciated a heads up before it happened." I say and we laugh.

"I'm glad to see that the both of you are giving your marriage a chance." she says.  "Ngiyabonga ma. Is Nkosinathi really a good person?" I ask. (Thank you.) I want to hear from someone else's perspective. I know his a good person from how he has treated me so far but it's nice to have an outsider's opinion sometimes. "He is a good person and he loves hard. I know you will make him happy and be the person that he needs."

I smile at that thought. "If he doesn't make you happy or he does something stupid you can always come and talk to me. Sometimes he may be impulsive and make big desicions for the both of you without consenting first but you need to sit down with him and talk in a proper manner because if you don't he will push you away and we don't want that." she says and i nod.

"I have seen that when you piss him off he shuts down and pushes you away." I say. "Or how he doesn't listen to you when you don't talk to him in a calm manner." she says and i nod. "But you know sometimes it's nice pissing your partner off." She chuckles. "Trust me I know that feeling. I'm still surprised that his dad stayed with me for this long." "I guess it's love." "It's love indeed." I smile.

We finish with the dishes and we join the others. We play a few games and leave later on. "Nisale kahle ma." I say. "Ngiyabonga mtanami ngokungivakashela." says mom and I nod. (Thank you my child for visiting me.)  We hug each other and we say our final goodbyes and leave. I get inside the car and he drives off.

"I didn't expect that apology." I say. "Me too and we were talking about you before you came and brought our food. I told her that if she has issues she should keep them to herself because I don't want to be forced to choose sides." he says. "What do you think changed her?" "She attends therapy so I guess she opened up about some issues."

"Do you think I'm a fool for forgiving her this soon?" I ask. "You are not a fool. It's a beautiful thing that you forgave her this soon. I know it will take time to move and forget but as long as you have forgiven her that's all that matters." he answers. "I feel like things are starting to fall into place since we got together."

"Me too and I'm happy maybe this is what we needed in order to find peace in our lives. I feel like we've gone through enough drama to last us a century. We also deserve to be happy and enjoy these little moments we spend together." he says. "I'm happy too. I hope we work out. Our families believes that things will work out between us."

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