Chapter -12

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Dwani pov

Today was like any other day at college, until I walked in and saw a huge crowd gathered in the hallway. I had no idea what was going on, so I approached a passing student and asked for an explanation. They told me there was a fight between the popular senior group, led by Vedant Sir, and a boy. Intrigued, I quickly made my way over to see what was happening.

When I arrived, I saw a boy kneeling in front of a crying girl. The boy had several scars on his face, and Vedant Sir's group stood nearby. I was completely confused and didn't understand the situation fully. I decided it would be best to ask Vedant Sir directly for an explanation. However, before I could approach him, the vice principal arrived. Vedant Sir said something to him, and then the boy, the girl, and Vedant Sir's group were escorted to the principal's office. The crowd dispersed, and normalcy resumed as classes began.

During lunchtime, I went to my usual spot to eat my packed lunch. Recently, I had been cooking my own food. To my surprise, Vedant Sir was already sitting there. He asked if I would share my meal with him, as he disliked eating at restaurants. I agreed, and fortunately, I had packed a little extra, so it was enough for both of us. He asked if I could bring him lunch in the future, and I agreed to do so.

I took the opportunity to ask him about the fight I witnessed earlier. He explained that the boy had been harassing the girl, and her family had misunderstood the situation, even trying to prevent her from continuing her education. As a result, they made the boy confess his mistake in front of the entire college. After finishing our lunch, Vedant Sir returned to his friends, while I sat there for a while before heading to my next class.

After classes ended, I headed to my job. Knowing that the party was happening the next day, I went to the owner's cabin and asked if I could work the morning shift. He said I could if someone was willing to replace me, so I asked Niroop if he could cover for me, and he agreed. After completing my work, I headed home, excited for the upcoming party. It would be my first time attending such an event, and I wondered if I would have the chance to attend similar parties in the future.

I studied for a while after reaching home, and then proceeded to clean the house and wash my clothes. As I was preparing to go to bed, I heard a knock on the door. Curiosity got the better of me, and I peeped through the peephole to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Vedant Sir. He asked if he could have some dinner, knowing that his parents were not at home. I quickly prepared some food for him, understanding his situation. After he finished eating, he went back to his own home.

Vedant Sir was becoming an increasingly regular presence in my life. He was spending more time with me, and although I was trying to create distance between us, he seemed to be drawing closer. I couldn't predict where this was all heading, and it left me feeling uncertain about the future.

Vedant pov

As I sat in the parking lot with my friends, Adithya was cracking jokes while Sneha scolded him playfully. Suddenly, we noticed a girl crying nearby. Concerned, I approached her and asked what had happened. She tearfully explained that a boy had been harassing her, and her parents had mistaken her for being involved with him. Determined to help, I asked her to point out the boy.

Together with Adithya and Deepak, we confronted the boy and unleashed our anger on him, teaching him a lesson he wouldn't forget. We demanded that he apologize to the girl in front of the entire college, and he reluctantly complied. Just then, the vice principal arrived at the scene. Since my parents were on leave, the vice principal had taken charge. He inquired about the commotion, and I explained the situation to him.

The vice principal instructed us to come to his office, and we followed him there. He asked the girl to file a formal complaint against the boy, and with our assistance, she wrote a detailed complaint. As a result, the boy was suspended for one semester. The vice principal advised us not to engage in fights on campus, urging us to report any problems directly to the principal. We nodded in agreement, thanked him, and left for our respective classes.

During lunch break, I informed my friends that I had some errands to run at the office and excused myself. Instead, I headed towards Dwani and mustered the courage to ask her if she would share her food with me. Surprisingly, she agreed, and we enjoyed our meal together. Dwani inquired about the fight, and I narrated the entire incident to her. Afterward, I returned to my class, feeling a sense of contentment.

When classes ended, I bid my friends farewell and headed back to my room. Without my parents around, I felt a tinge of loneliness. Unable to ignore my hunger, I ventured downstairs to scrounge for food but found none. Without hesitation, I walked over to Dwani's house and knocked on her door. She opened it, and I asked if she could make me dinner. To my delight, she agreed, and we shared a pleasant meal before I returned to my own home.

Tomorrow was the party, and I pondered how to spend time with Dwani. If I wanted to make a grand proposal, I needed to know more about her. I realized that understanding her better would strengthen our connection. Determined, I made a mental note to initiate conversations with her and find opportunities to spend more time together, ensuring that my proposal would be heartfelt and aligned with her interests.

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