Chapter -25

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As the sun gently illuminated my room, I stirred from my slumber, realizing that today marked the beginning of our exams. Excitement and nervousness intertwined within me, knowing that the hard work and dedication we had put into our studies would be put to the test.

Adithya and Deepak, had stayed at my house to study together. As a responsible host and study partner, I decided to wake them up early to ensure we had ample time to revise and prepare before the exams commenced.

With a sense of determination, I went to their sleeping quarters and gently roused them from their dreams. We knew the importance of this day and the challenges that lay ahead, so we quickly got ourselves ready and settled down to focus on our studies.

Throughout the early  morning, we delved into our textbooks and notes, discussing various topics and clarifying doubts among ourselves. As much as we tried to solve everything on our own, there were some complex concepts that we needed additional help .Fortunately, my parents were also in the medical field.

I decided to seek their guidance and asked them about the doubts we encountered during our studies. Their support and willingness to help were immeasurable, and I felt grateful to have them as my parents.

we gathered around the dining table to enjoy a hearty breakfast prepared by my parents. As we relished the delicious meal, my parents wished us the best for our exams. Their words of encouragement and blessings filled our hearts with confidence and reassurance.

As I was changing into my exam attire, my phone rang, and I noticed it was Dwani calling. A smile spread across my face as I answered the call, appreciating the thoughtful gesture. Dwani's warm voice came through the phone, and she wished me all the best for the exams. Her words were a welcome boost of encouragement before the important moment.

Grateful for her support, I reciprocated her kind wishes and wished her well too.

After the breakfast, we gathered our study materials and headed to college.
Upon reaching the college, we were greeted by the sight of fellow students, all eager and focused on the day's challenge.

As I stepped into the exam hall, a wave of determination washed over me. The thought of taking over the college and hospital from my dad filled me with a sense of responsibility and pride. I knew that this exam was not just about scoring well but also about proving myself as a capable successor in the medical field.

I carefully answered each question, I reminded myself of the immense responsibility that lay ahead. Taking over the family legacy meant not only continuing the tradition but also striving to bring positive changes and advancements to the institution and the medical field as a whole.

Upon completing the exam, I felt a mix of relief and excitement. The journey to becoming a competent doctor was just beginning, and this exam was a crucial stepping stone. Now, all that was left was to wait for the results and see how well my efforts had paid off.

As I hurriedly made my way to meet Dwani, my phone rang, and I noticed that it was my father calling.  I wondered why he wanted to meet me at his office. Putting my meeting with Dwani on hold, I redirected my steps and headed to my father's office.

Upon arriving, I found my father in his office, and as he looked up and saw me, a smile adorned his face. I knew he was eager to hear about my exam experience.

After exchanging pleasantries, my father asked about how the exam went. I shared with him the details of the exam, the questions asked, and how I tackled them to the best of my abilities.

As I finished talking about the exam, my father's face beamed with pride and joy. He told me how happy he was to hear that I had performed well. His words of appreciation and encouragement meant the world to me.

Then I met Dwani, she playfully asked why I was late, and I explained that my father had called me to discuss the exam. Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as I inquired about her exam experience. She shared the details, and we laughed and sighed in relief together, knowing that the exams were behind us now.

The conversation then took a tender turn, and we found ourselves lost in each other's company. In a moment of closeness and affection, I gently kissed her forehead, expressing my love and care for her.

As we continued talking, I noticed that Dwani seemed a bit tired. Knowing that she had been on leave from work.

As we reached a point where we had to part ways, I hugged Dwani tightly, not wanting to let go. We knew that we would see each other again soon, but parting was always bittersweet.

With a final tender glance and a promise to talk later, we said our goodbyes, and I watched her walk away with a heart full of love and gratitude. Dwani had become an essential part of my life, supporting me through thick and thin, and I couldn't imagine my journey without her.

As I walked back to the parking lot to retrieve my car, I noticed Riya and Sneha,  engrossed in their studies. Curiosity piqued, I approached them and inquired about why they were studying at the college after the exams.

They smiled and explained that their homes were located quite far from each other, making it inconvenient to study together in person. However, they wanted to take advantage of the college's conducive environment to continue their studies after the exams were over.

Since it was already late, I offered to drop both Riya and Sneha at the nearest bus stop. They graciously accepted the offer, appreciating the gesture of kindness.

We hopped into the car, and during the short ride, we chatted about our exam experiences and the relief of having them behind us. Riya and Sneha expressed their gratitude for the lift, as it saved them some time and effort in commuting back home.

Once we reached the bus stop, they bid me farewell with smiles and thanked me once again. With a sense of satisfaction in having helped my friends, I continued my journey back home.

As I drove, thoughts of the day's events played in my mind. It had been a day filled with exams, support from family and friends, and moments of connection with those around me. I felt fortunate to have such a wonderful network of people in my life, each contributing to my growth and happiness in their unique ways.

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