Chapter -32

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" I am returning to India with you guys" govind said.

"Why suddenly now, Govind?" Jayaram inquired, curious about his splans to return to India with them.

Govind hesitated for a moment before responding, "I want to show the lady's photo to the orphanage caretaker, and I need him to confirm whether it's her or not."

Jayaram was taken aback by this revelation. "Are you sure about this, Govind?"

"I can't say for certain, but there's a resemblance between the lady in the photo and Dwani. It might just be a coincidence, but I need to find out the truth for Dwani's sake," Govind replied earnestly.

Jayaram understood the gravity of the situation. "Alright, if this can bring some closure and answers to Dwani, then we'll do that"

In the corridor, Govind and Jeyaram were still preoccupied with thoughts about Dwani. Jeyaram came up with an idea and suggested, "Why don't we ask Dwani for her orphanage uncle's contact information? He might have some news about her past."

Govind was intrigued by the idea and replied, "That sounds like a plan. But how do we ask her for the number without arousing suspicion?"

Jeyaram smiled and replied, "I'll approach her with a pretext. I'll tell her that I want to inform her uncle about her safe arrival. That way, she won't think we have ulterior motives."

"Alright, sounds reasonable," Govind agreed. As it was dinner time, they all gathered around the dining table. Dwani, Vedant, and Parvathy were also present, and they began to enjoy their meal together.

At one point during dinner, Jeyaram turned to Dwani and asked, "Dwani, can I get your uncle's mobile number? I just want to let him know that you arrived here safely."

Dwani, being kind-hearted and trusting, responded, "Sure, let me give you his number."

Vedant, who had been quietly listening to their conversation, couldn't help but ask, "Dad, why do you need her uncle's number just for that?"

Jeyaram replied, maintaining the pretext, "It's just a gesture to inform her family about her well-being. You know, like a courtesy call."

Vedant thought about it for a moment and then nodded thoughtfully, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. After they finished dinner, Dwani handed over her orphanage uncle's contact information to Jeyaram, not suspecting anything unusual.

Little did she know that this simple act of providing her uncle's number would set off a chain of events that might unravel the mysteries of her past.

In the darkness of night, Jayaram informed his wife Parvathy that he had some business to attend to with his friend Govind, and he headed towards Govind's study. Parvathy acknowledged his departure with a simple "okay."

As Dwani and Vedant were talking and watching the moon in the corridor, there was a sense of romance in the air. They were sitting close to each other under a cozy blanket, their hands gently intertwined, enjoying the tranquil beauty of the moonlit night. The soft moonlight illuminated their faces as they shared intimate moments and engaged in heartfelt conversations.

Their laughter and whispers filled the air as they enjoyed each other's company, finding comfort and joy in each other's presence. The night seemed magical, and the peaceful ambiance of the moonlit corridor added to the romantic atmosphere.

Their hearts connected as they gazed at the moon, creating a moment of serenity and love between them. It was a special time, and they cherished every second of it, knowing that these moments would become beautiful memories to cherish in the days to come.

On his way, Jayaram spotted Dwani and Vedant sitting together, seemingly enjoying each other's company. He playfully warned them not to engage in any mischief, which elicited laughter from the young duo.

Upon reaching Govind's study, Jayaram was met with a sense of urgency. Govind asked him to call dwani uncle, reasoning that it would be morning in India when it was night there. Jayaram complied and dialed the number, and after several rings, a voice on the other end greeted them with a simple "hello."

As it turned out, the person who picked up was Dwani's uncle, and Jayaram identified himself as Vedant's father. He reassured Dwani's uncle that they had arrived safely, and the uncle expressed his gratitude for the update. However, Jayaram was not content with just this conversation; he had some questions about Dwani's parents that were bothering him.

After a brief silence, Jayaram nervously inquired whether Dwani's uncle knew anything about her parents. The uncle's response was hesitant, and he asked why Jayaram was curious about this matter. Jayaram thought for a moment before sharing something with Dwani's uncle.

He revealed that there was something peculiar about Dwani's birth, and on hearing this, the uncle grew tense. With a heavy heart, the uncle disclosed a heartbreaking tale. He explained that one morning, he was called to the hospital to take custody of a child whose parents had tragically passed away in an accident. On that day, Dwani's mother had died due to severe bleeding during childbirth. Before her untimely demise, she had asked the nurse to meet him. When he arrived her room, she handed him the newborn baby along with some money. The dying mother pleaded with him to take care of Dwani and not let her be adopted by anyone. The uncle had promised to fulfill her wish, and he took Dwani under his care, making sure she was raised without knowing the truth.

To protect Dwani from the painful reality of her mother fate, the uncle decided not to reveal the truth about her birth and the tragic loss she had endured. Whenever Dwani asked about her adoption, he would deflect the topic with various explanations. All this while, Dwani remained unaware of the circumstances surrounding her life.

Upon hearing this heartrending revelation, Govind was left shattered and deeply affected. The truth behind Dwani's past was a heavy burden to bear, and it left everyone involved with a mix of emotions – grief, compassion, and a newfound appreciation for the responsibilities they had taken on in caring for her.

With a heavy heart, Jayaram bid farewell to Dwani's uncle and ended the call. The weight of this new knowledge hung in the air, and they knew that they would have to handle this delicate situation with utmost care and sensitivity. The evening, once filled with laughter and camaraderie, was now overshadowed by the poignant reality of Dwani's past.

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