Chapter -20

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Vedant pov

As I woke up on this Sunday morning, I knew it was going to be a special day. After finishing my chores, I made my way downstairs to join my parents for breakfast. While we were enjoying our meal, the thought of taking Dwani to visit my grandparents crossed my mind. They hadn't spent much time with her, and I wanted to change that.

I decided to share my plan with my parents, but to my surprise, they weren't too happy about it. They couldn't understand why I wanted to spend time with Dwani without revealing my true identity as the heir of the college where she is studying. They acted like sulking children, disappointed that they couldn't spend time with Dwani openly. Nevertheless, I was determined to make this visit happen.

I headed to Dwani's house and asked her to get ready. We both got into the car, and I drove us towards my grandparents' home. As we arrived, my grandma is really surprised to see me there but on seeing dwani her happiness has no boundaries  they greeted us warmly, my grandpa is very excited to meet Dwani. After seeing me they both ignore me I was sulking. I could tell my grandma was particularly pleased when Dwani offered to help her with cooking the meals. Seeing her effort and kindness, my grandma was genuinely impressed.

After lunch, Dwani spent some time chatting with my grandparents, getting to know them better. It was heartwarming to see her interact with them, and I could tell they enjoyed her company. Then we decided to watch a movie my grandpa asked dwani what movie she liked to watch she said she don't know that much movie time so he played my grandma favourite old movie we enjoyed the with little snacks.The day seemed to fly by, and before we knew it, it was time for me to drop her off at her house.

As we said our goodbyes, my grandparents expressed their fondness for Dwani and requested that I bring her to visit them more often. I wholeheartedly agreed, knowing that both Dwani and my grandparents cherished these moments together. It was a beautiful day, and seeing the bond forming between Dwani and my grandparents made me appreciate our relationship even more.

As the week went by, my birthday arrived, and it was a day filled with blessings and surprises. My parents wished me a happy birthday and surprised me with a brand new car, a gift that left me elated. In addition, my grandparents also extended their heartfelt wishes and handed over the property papers of their home to me, a gesture that held immense significance.

Later in the day, my friends organized a party for me at a hotel. They had informed me that Dwani would also be attending, which added to my excitement. After visiting the temple with my parents to seek their blessings, I made my way to the hotel. Upon arriving, I found my friends already present, eagerly waiting for the celebration to begin. However, Dwani was conspicuously absent.

My friends reassured me, suggesting that Dwani might be planning a surprise for me, which could be the reason for her delay. They encouraged me to cut the cake, believing that she would arrive soon. Although an hour had passed, Dwani was still nowhere to be seen. Time seemed to stretch, and my anticipation slowly turned into concern.

My friends continued to hand me their birthday gifts, trying to maintain a cheerful atmosphere. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a girl resembling Dwani hastily running away. The sight startled me, and upon observing her dress, I was certain it was Dwani. Confusion and worry swirled within me—why was she running away?

Without wasting a moment, I bid farewell to my friends, thanking them for their presence and gifts, and hurriedly made my way to Dwani's home. The car my parents had gifted me was now put to use, as I drove with a mix of urgency and concern. My mind was filled with questions, desperately seeking answers for Dwani's sudden departure.

As Dwani opened the door, I noticed that her eyes were puffy, suggesting that she had been crying. Concerned about her well-being, I decided not to probe further and refrained from asking her about the reason behind her tears. Instead, I shifted my focus to the purpose of my visit—I had come to celebrate my birthday with her.

I greeted her with a warm smile, trying to bring some cheer into the moment. Dwani smiled back, appreciating the gesture. She graciously served me her homemade food, knowing how much I enjoyed it. We sat together, sharing a meal filled with a comforting silence. Although questions lingered in my mind, I chose to prioritize her emotional state and make her feel at ease.

After finishing the meal, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer, and I asked Dwani about my birthday gifts. She handed me a box, and inside, I found a beautiful watch. I expressed my genuine admiration for the gift, grateful for her thoughtfulness. It was a reminder of the bond we shared and the effort she had put into choosing a present for me.

We spent some quality time together, engaging in light-hearted conversations and finding solace in each other's company. However, as the night grew late, I realized that it was time to bid her goodbye. Promising Dwani that she would soon get to meet my parents, I reassured her that our paths would intertwine further in the future.

Reluctantly, I said my goodbyes and left her home, heading back to my own. Although I couldn't shake off the concern I felt for Dwani, I also understood the importance of giving her space and time to heal. I hoped that our connection would remain strong, and that we could support each other through whatever challenges lay ahead.

Next day my friends asked sorry to dwani because I told them about what happens yesterday they feel very sad by hearing that and decided to apologize they invited dwani to have lunch with them she also forgive them and went with them happily.

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