Story 15 - Different love

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Melina never expected to fall in love. Since she was a little girl, she had been warned that the world was a dangerous place and that she should never trust anyone, let alone a creature that could never be a part of her own species. She had been taught to keep her distance from anyone different from her and to be suspicious of anyone who wasn't a human.

But despite all the warnings, Melina found herself drawn to the strange creature boy named Nightmare Giver, who had been created in a laboratory by mysterious scientists who had done something unspeakable. It seemed as though the scientists had taken some kind of creature and given it a human form, attempting to give it a soul.

Nightmare Giver could not remember his past before being created, and no one could explain why the scientists had felt it necessary to do such a thing. All he knew was that he was different from everyone around him. And yet, Melina was entranced by his mysterious beauty and the mystery of his existence.

Melina knew it was dangerous to love a creature, but she couldn't help herself. Soon, she found herself spending more and more time with Nightmare Giver, talking, laughing, and learning about his new life. Eventually, the two fell deeply in love, and Alina saw in Nightmare Giver the human she knew was inside him.

As time went on, Melina and Nightmare Giver's relationship blossomed and grew stronger, and soon they realized that their love for each other was real. Melina's family, who came from poland, though dubious at first, were soon convinced of the genuine love the two had for one another, and they decided to accept them as a couple.

With the support of their families, Melina and Nightmare Giver began to build a life together. They worked hard to make their home a place of warmth and happiness, and soon they found themselves blissfully happy living in their own little world.

Ultimately, Melina and Nightmare Giver overcame all odds, proving that love can conquer even the greatest fear and hatred. And although they will likely never know where Nightmare Giver came from, they love each other for who they are, not what they were made to be. They lived together happily until the day Nightmare Giver disappeared when he was outside. Melina cried and prayed for him to come back. Unfortunately she didn't know he got caught by the scientists who created him.

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