Story 27 - Gone

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The man had been searching for his family for weeks now. They had gone missing without a trace and in desperation he decided to search the dreaded Nightmare Forest. He was filled with apprehension but knew he had to try and find them.

He ventured deep into the forest, day and night, with no sign of his family. Everywhere were shady creatures lurking in the shadows and he could feel the fear and dread hanging in the air.

One day, out of pure luck, he stumbled across something hidden amongst the trees. It was a makeshift group of shelters made from the surrounding foliage. As he moved closer he found something he could not believe....the corpses of his family.

The man was filled with profound sadness and despair. He had hoped to find his family alive and had no words to describe the pain he was feeling. To escape the mad reality of his newfound truth, he killed himself.

The man had been searching for those he loved only to find them dead, and he decided that death was the only way out. Gone forever in the Nightmare Forest, nobody know what became of the man and his family.

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