Story 26 - Frozen to death

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Blake was a little boy who lived in a small town with his hardworking single mother. His dad had been gone since he was a baby, leaving his mom to do the best she could for the two of them.

Deep down, Blake felt like he could never measure up to his dad who he'd never met. He felt like his single mom could never be enough for him. It wasn't her fault; she was providing him with everything she could, but it was never enough for Blake.

At school, Blake was one of those kids who always seemed to get picked on, and the other kids would make fun of him for his lack of a father figure. It didn't help that his mom had to work late into the night just to make ends meet.

One night, when Blake was feeling particularly lonely and sad, he decided to take a walk outside. It was a cold winter night and there wasn't anyone around, so he began to wander into the woods near his house.

Suddenly, the darkness enveloped him and Blake felt a sense of dread sweep over him. He decided to turn back, but it was too late – he had walked too far.

Blake was lost and cold, but he was too afraid to call for help. He wandered for hours until he ran out of energy and collapsed on the forest floor.

The next morning, Blake was found laying in the cold winter forest, his body frozen in the darkness. He was taken away by the police, and taken to the hospital where it was determined that Blake had died of hypothermia.

His single mother was grief-stricken, and many of his friends and neighbors had tears in their eyes as they gathered to honor this little boy who had given up his life in such a sad way.

Blake's death served as a reminder to all of those in his small town to never take life for granted. He left a lasting impact on everyone who had known him- a reminder of the fragility and importance of life.

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