Story 42 - Brave dragon

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Once upon a time, long ago in a far away land, there lived a race of dragons. These dragons were strong and wise, beautiful and majestic. The people of the land would often tell stories of their exploits, and marvel at their might.

In the land, there was a young dragon named Marilith. Marilith was curious and brave, often wandering off on her own to discover the world around her. When she did, she often encountered strange and dangerous things.

One day, Marilith was walking near the edge of a burning desert when she encountered a fierce sand storm. The wind blew hard, pushing her back, and the sand stung her scaly skin. But even in this frightening situation, Marilith bravely pressed forward.

Suddenly, out of the sandstorm, four winged warriors appeared. They wore shining armor and their wings glowed golden in the light of the sun. They had come to save Marilith from the storm, and to take her back to their kingdom.

Marilith was taken to the kingdom of the winged warriors, and there she was introduced as a dragon of legend. She was welcomed with open arms, and treated with the utmost respect and kindness.

Marilith worked alongside the winged warriors in their endless battles, becoming a famed and powerful dragon. In time, her courage and bravery were known throughout the land, and the people of the land celebrated her for her many deeds.

Marilith lived to be an old and wise dragon, and when she died she was remembered and beloved by all who had known her. After her passing, a statue was erected on the edge of the burning desert, as a reminder of her courage and bravery. To this day, when people look upon it, they are reminded to be brave, just like Marilith the dragon.

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