Chapter One: Six

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The sound of birds chirping was the only thing Six could hear in the morning. She looked over at her clock and sighed. It wasn't even six thirty, and the birds had decided to take up caroling outside her window. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, yawning. It took her eyes a second to adjust to the darkness of her room. If anyone ever saw how she lived, they'd be convinced she was a vampire.

She laid back down, knowing her alarm would go off any second. She closed her eyes, but her mind was assaulted by memories. She got up and decided getting ready for her first day of school was better than reliving her past.

She put on he school uniform, and pulled her yellow raincoat over it. She flipped up the hood, and left her bangs to rest over her eyes.

Her stomach made gurgling noise, before a sharp wave of hunger over took her. She gasped and clutched her stomach, and staggered into the kitchen. She rifled through the pantry before finding a loaf of bread. She ripped it out of the package and devoured it in seconds. It calmed her stomach, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

She picked up her bags and headed out the door, even though school didn't start for another thirty minutes. She walked slowly, passing children and adults alike.

It took her about ten minutes to reach her new school. She looked at it, admiring the size and how it looked.

It was definitely an upgrade from the last school she been in

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It was definitely an upgrade from the last school she been in.

Students and teachers alike were already pouring in through the front gates. Six took a deep breath and joined them, mingling in with the crowd.

Of course, she still stood out. Her yellow raincoat and her long bangs caught the attention of everyone.

"Who is that?"

"Are they new?"

"I think it's a girl."

"What an ugly raincoat. And what's with her hair? Can't she use a comb?"

Those were some of the girls comments. The boys, however, were another thing entirely.

"Woah, check it out, I think that's a transfer student."

"Is it a girl? I hope it's not a guy."

"She's gotta be one of the flattest girls in the planet!"

"She's got nice thighs though."

"You think I should ask her out?"

"You could, but she look like she'd rip off your nuts if you did."

Six paid no mind to any of that, and just kept walking. She stepped into the building and looked around. What everyone else saw was her checking out her new school. But what Six was really doing was looking for escape routes. Old habits die hard.

She walked through the halls, completely lost.

"I guess I was right to leave early." She mumbled. She came across three students, a red-haired girl with blue eyes, a black-haired girl with purple eyes, and girl with short, black hair, glasses, and violet eyes. They were all standing in a group together, chatting, when Six approached them.

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