Chapter Nine: School's Not That Bad

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Six sat in her living room, staring at the black television screen. The apartment was so quiet, the only thing she could hear was the breathes coming from her lungs. She thought of Kunou, but there were things she couldn't remember. Like, her voice, her scent, her personality... actually, she couldn't remember Kunou at all. She just remembered her name, and that she missed her.

She layed on the couch and stared up at the ceiling, occasionally cracking her knuckles. She looked over at her school books, which were scattered on the coffee table. She reached out, took one, and threw it as hard a she could at a random lamp. Upon impact, it shattered, the glass bits and pieces clinking as they hit the floor. She sat up once more and grabbed another book. She found another lamp and, letting her anger and misery spill out, broke that one.

She wasn't sure why she was angry, but the sense of misery and loneliness she always carried had finally stuck its ugly head from the depths that Six desperately tried to bury it in. Maybe that was why she was angry. Or maybe it was because she didn't stop Kunou, whoever she was, from leaving. Or maybe she was just angry at the world. After all, this one seemed way more complex and difficult and unwelcoming than the Nowhere was. Just goes to show how much she had begun to hate this place. Everyday, Six had no idea what to expect. She knew survival, but that wasn't needed here. She was safe, for the most part anyway. The one thing she was good at wasn't something that could help at all in her new life. Back in the Nowhere, Six knew every monster, and how to best, or at least, avoid them. She honestly believed that she'd feel free if she went back, trapped in that loop forever.

Six picked up another book, and stopped. She turned to see a white cat, sitting at the open window. She knew she had seen it before, somewhere, but she couldn't recall. But either way, Six knew she didn't want it watching her. With all her strength, she chucked the book at the cat, obviously startling it, because it let out a yelp as the book hit it, causing it to fall from two stories. Six looked out the window. The cat landed on its feet and hissed up at her.

"Go away! Nobody wants you here!" She yelled. As she turned back into her room, there was a knock at the door. Six went over to it and looked through the peephole.

Please don't be him...

Lucky for her, it was Issei. She opened the door.

"Hey." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how you were doing." He replied. Six didn't sense anything weird from him, so she shrugged.

"I'm doing fine, but thanks for checking in." She told him. "Do you need anything else?"

Issei cleared his throat. "Well, I was also wondering if you want to go hang out with me."

Six raised an eyebrow. "And who else?"

"Just me."

"No Asia?"


"What about that redhead?"

"Her name is still Rias. But no."

"I don't believe you."

"What, why?!"

"Cause you're always with them."

"No, Six. Just me and you, hanging out." Issei said with a wry smile.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Six asked, leaving on the doorframe, crossing her arms.

"What, no, that's crazy, why do you ask..." Issei sputtered. "Did you want me to?"

Six grinned. "You're adorable. It's fine either way, but I'm gonna have to do a rain check on that. I've got something important to do."

"A-ah, okay then..." Issei said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Then, uh, I guess I'll see you some other time then. Does, um, Thursday work?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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