Chapter Two: Changing Winds

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Once again, Six was woken up by birds. She groaned and sat up. Her clock read six thirty, and she sighed and got up. She put on her school uniform and grabbed a couple muffins as she headed out the door.

She walked out of her apartment, before she heard a voice call out to her.

"Hey, Six! Wait up!"

She turned around to see Issei panting behind her. He looked up and grinned. "Hey! How's it going?"

"I'm good." Six replied. She waited for him to catch his breath.

"I have to ask you something. Do you remember Yuuma?" He asked, a pleading look in his eyes.

She nodded. "Yes."

Issei sighed, overjoyed. "I knew it! I knew I didn't dream it! Thank you, Six!"

"Why?" She looked at him. He was acting stranger than normal. He stood up straight and they began to walk to school.

"Well, she's... disappeared... and no one seems to remember her at all. Not even Motohama and Matsuda." Issei explained, scratching his head. He was obviously stumped. To be honest, it didn't make any more sense to Six, but what could she do about it? Maybe it was a mass Mandela effect.

"I remember she asked you out on the bridge." Six said. Issei nodded.

"Yeah, me too! And we went on a date on Saturday, but I don't remember what happened after." He said, averting his eyes slightly. Six knew he was lying.

"You're lying." She said, and she stopped and turned to him. "You do remember."

He stopped and sighed. "Yeah, okay, fine. I do remember. What do you want me to do?"

"Tell me what happened." Six said.

Issei shook his head. "You wouldn't believe me. You'd probably think I'm crazy." He warned.

"Try me." She said.

"Alright. Here it goes." He took a deep breath. "... I saw her breasts..."

The comment was so idiotic that it actual made Six grin. "Really? Did you peek on her, or did she show you willingly?"

Issei laughed nervously. "She... she showed me. Willingly, of course."

Six shook her head. "Good for you." She continued walking, and Issei quickly followed. She was still grinning by the time they got to school. Entering the courtyard, there was a ripple of comments.

"Hey, look, it's the new girl and... Issei?!"

"No way, you don't think they're..."

"No, it can't be! He must've blackmailed her!"

"Why's she grinning like that? It's creeping me out."

"That lucky S.O.B! He actually got a girlfriend!"

"Issei, you dog, you actually did it!"

"Maybe there's hope for us after all."

Issei looked around. "They all think we're dating."

Six shrugged. "They're stupid. We're just walking."

"Yeah." Issei nodded. "Beside, you're not my type. No offense."

"None taken. After all, you're ugly." Six replied in her deadpan manner of speaking. A tick mark appeared on Issei's forehead.

"W-well, at least people can see my whole face! I've got nothing to hide, unlike some people." He retorted, looking away.

Six stopped and turned to face him. He looked a bit surprised and blushed a bit at her closeness. She reached her hand up under her bangs and lifted them, allowing him to see her entire face.

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