Chapter Four: The Fox

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The moment Akeno and Six crossed the street from her apartment, Six threw up.

"Six!" Akeno yelped, moving aside so she didn't get hit. Six continued to empty her stomach, her heart thumping quicker than normal.

Akeno moved behind her and pulled her short hair back. After a couple seconds, Six gave a couple of dry heaves before wiping her mouth.

"Are you..." Akeno started to say, but Six cut her off with a nod.

"I'm fine. Just a bit nauseous." She said, her voice filled with unease.

"You look pale. More than normal, at least. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Akeno asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes." Six said shortly, before beginning to walk to school. Akeno sighed and followed her.

"Hey, look at that!" Akeno said, suddenly grabbing Six's arm and pointing. Six's eyes followed in that direction and saw something surprising.

"Is that... Issei?" She wondered aloud. And not only that, but he was walking with a red haired girl, one she'd seen on her first day. They approached Six and Akeno.

"Hey, Six." Issei said, in complete bewilderment at the fact he was walking to school with a girl other than Six. She nodded at him. He squinted at her. "Are you okay? You look pale. More than normal, at least."

You've got to be kidding me...

Akeno have her a look that obviously said "Told you so."

Maybe I should get a tan.

"Hello, Six. It's nice to see you again." The redhead greeted.

"Yeah. Who are you again?"

The girl did a double-take, before smiling. "I'm Rias Gremory. We met on your first day, but I understand why you don't remember my name. After all, it was a brief meeting."

Six nodded. "Okay. Nice to see you." She turned and continued to walk to school. Issei followed behind her without hesitation, but Akeno and Rias were both stunned her reaction. They stayed back for a second, but then followed.

"Six, you're not gonna believe this." Issei whispered to her, looking behind him. "When I woke up, I was naked..."

"I didn't need to know that."

"I wasn't done. I was naked, but Rias was also in my bed, also naked!" He hissed, almost giddy. Six immediately stopped and spun around, and walked right up to Rias. Rias looked a bit surprised as Six stick her face close to hers, inspecting it.

"No signs of dilated pupils." She stated. Everyone's eyes widened, but Akeno and Rias covered their mouths and giggled, while Issei immediately began expressing his outrage.

"What?! Did you seriously think I drugged her?! Do you think I'd actually do that?!" He yelled.

"Yes." Six said flatly.

"Oh. Why would you say something so hurtful?" Issei whined. "I thought we were friends."

Six hesitated in her stride. "Friends..." She said quietly. No one heard her, though, and they continued to walk to school.

As they walked through the gates as a group, the entire student body went up in a roar.

"Is that Issei?! With Rias-senpai and Akeno-senpai?!"

"That girl is with them too."

"He's got a harem!"

"Lucky bastard."

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