Chapter Three: Encounter

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Six didn't wake up to birds. Instead, it was an empty bed, the smell of food, and the sound of a shower running. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She heard the shower stop, and a minute later Akeno walked into the bedroom wearing Six's only bathrobe.

"Good morning, Six. Did you sleep well?" She asked with a smile. Six nodded, trying not to stare so much. The bathrobe normally hung nicely on her body, but since Akeno had such large assets, it clung tightly to her wet figure. Six fidget and got up,  before being assaulted with an enormous wave of hunger. Her stomach growled loudly, loud enough for Akeno to give her a look of shock.

"Oh my! You must be starving! Come on, I made you something to eat." Akeno pulled her slightly along, with wave after wave sending Six's mind reeling. As she followed, it felt like everything slowed down, and Six's eyes lingered on Akeno's neck. The skin was perfect, pale and creamy, with no blemishes in sight. It looked so soft and delicate, and Six felt an overwhelming urge to sink her teeth in and devour the beautiful girl.

She walked up quietly, drooling at the sight of the tender flesh. She opened her mouth to bite into her, completely lost in this primal hunger, when Akeno turned around with a plate of eggs and sausage. She made a surprised noise, before Six turned her attention to the plate. Akeno tried to step back, but slipped, and took Six down with her.

Six immediately grabbed the food that had fallen on the floor around them, and began shoveling it into her mouth. Akeno stared as Six ate every bite, whether she picked it up off the ground or off of her body. She the went a bit red at their current position, with Six sitting on her, picking pieces of eggs off the bathrobe.

"U-um... Six? Do you think you could move? This is a bit embarrassing..." Akeno mumbled. She knew she had very little shame herself, but this felt a bit more awkward than anything she'd do. Probably cause I'm on the bottom this time~. She thought.

Six stood up slowly, without saying a word. Akeno propped herself up on her elbow and looked up at Six. Six looked down at her, feeling horrible. If she hadn't turned around when she did, Six would've eaten her.

"It was good." Six said softly. She turned away and hurried into her room, quickly getting dressed. She went to leave, but saw Akeno standing in the doorway.

"You really like to eat, huh?" She said in her usual friendly tone, but Six heard a slight quiver in her voice. A knot formed in Six's stomach.

"Sorry. I'll see you at school." She said, pushing past her.

"W-wait!" Akeno called. Six turned around. Akeno stood there, nervously fidgeting. "U-um... let's walk to school! Just let me put some clothes on." Without waiting for a response, she ran into the bedroom to get dressed.

Six stood awkwardly, unsure if she should just leave or not. The rustling bodies of clothes being put on abruptly stopped, but Akeno didn't return. Six wondered what she was doing, and took a step to see what was wrong. The moment she did, however, she couldn't move at all, and the world was tinted with blue. All she could do was think and stare straight ahead at the doorway.

As she was stuck there, at the doorway she saw black specs fly around in the air, and the shadow of a person. In an instant, it was gone, but she had a feeling that someone was standing behind her. Her suspicion was confirmed when she felt warm breath on her ear, making the hairs on her neck stand up.

"Hello, new friend." The person said. They sounded around her age, and she felt almost as if she knew who the voice belonged to. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

"What's wrong? Not gonna answer? That's pretty rude, you know." They said. The voice was male, and while she didn't know what his face looked like, she knew he was smiling.

"Mm, I guess you couldn't even if you wanted to. That's the beauty of it; Now, no one can hear your cries for help." He chuckled darkly. Six immediately went cold. She struggled to move, but no dice. Everything was bathed in an eerie blue light, with black specs flying around, almost like the darkness her own power created. Wait... my own power... MY power, that I got from the Lady... back from the Nowhere! So this person must be from there as well. But his power, being able to freeze everything in time, no, to stop time itself... Six internally shuddered.

"That's right. I am from the Nowhere, just like you, Six." The boy said. Six couldn't move, not even a muscle, but if she could, she would've tensed up immediately. How did he know her name? And, did he read her thoughts? He chuckled again. He seemed to really be enjoying this.

"You don't seem a scared as I thought you'd be. You must've forgotten what you've done. But that can wait for later, I suppose. I've come with a warning." He told her. Not being able to move made it hard for her to do anything but listen, so he continued. "You may have escaped the Nowhere, but here, you're back to being prey, just like you were before you obtained your powers."

What? No, that's impossible. Six thought. I've become the predator, not prey!

"Even predators are prey to the bigger animal." He said ominously.

And who is this bigger animal? She thought. She felt cold, but at the same time, she was rapidly heating up.

"I suspect you'll find out soon, as long as you remain close to the black haired girl." He said. "Well, I've said about as much as I wanted to, so I'll be off. It was nice chatting. I haven't actually talked to someone in ages."

Just like that, he disappeared. Six couldn't feel his life force behind her, and she could move again. She turned around, but found no trace of the boy. Not even a footprint.

"Alright, Six, I'm ready." Akeno said, walking back into the room. "Thanks for waiting. Should we get going?"

"Yeah. I think that's a good idea." Six said. She didn't trust the mysterious boy, but if she wanted to find out who was higher on the food chain than her, she would be sticking close to Akeno. If needed, she'd even pretend to be her best friend.

As they walked out of the apartment, neither seemed to notice the glass on the floor, in front of the broken television.

A/n: This time, it's ten votes for a new chapter!

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