Chapter Five: Kunou

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"What... are you?" I asked, though there was no response. The girl was out cold. I approached her cautiously. She had nine fox tails, as well as fox ears. But overall, she looked human.

What should I do? My hunger still isn't gone, it's just tamed for now. I don't want to eat her, I want answers.

Six made a decision. She left for a bit after hiding the girl in the bushes and went back to her apartment for a snack, and to get a first-aid kit.

When she got back, to her annoyance, there was a group of people across the way from where the girl was hidden. They were all drunk and laughing loudly, not caring that it was nearly eight o'clock. Six sighed, and waited for them to leave. But they didn't.

Give me a break. I should kill them. The thought didn't seem to come from her mind, but regardless  she felt enticed by it.

Six felt a weight be removed from her shoulders as she began to drain the life from the drunks. Her body began to absorb the black energy she sucked from the people, giving her a full feeling. One she hasn't felt since leaving the Maw.

The drunks suspected nothing until it was too late, and their necks snapped into a ninety degree angle. The bodies hit the floor with a thud, and Six moved to the girl in the bushes.

She lay there, undisturbed, and Six began treating the broken arm as best as possible. Once it was all wrapped up, she sat there, waiting for her to wake up. Six looked back at the dead bodies, and at the unconscious girl.

I wonder...

Six began to channel her power, but instead of taking life from the girl, she tried giving it to her. That was a mistake.

"What are you doing?!"

A voice screamed inside her head, and it felt as though her entire being was trying to separate itself into two parts. Six grabbed her head and screamed. The pain was unimaginable, and the screeching inside her brain was making her ears bleed. Her screams came out distorted and she banged her head on the ground repeatedly.

Stop stop, make it stop, I'm sorry Sorry Sorry stop please I'm sorry!

Six writhed on the ground, screams turning into shrieks and sobs. When it finally began to subside, she was left twitching on the dirt, tears running down her face and blood leaking from her ears. With a couple more shaky breaths, she managed to calm down and lift herself up into a sitting position.

She looked behind her and saw the girl, awake and staring at her in wide-eyed fear. She made a surprised squeak when Six looked at her, and scrambled backwards.

"D-don't hurt me..." The girl whimpered.

"Don't make me." Six huffed, her skin cold and clamy, and slick with sweat. She stood up, stumbling a bit before looking down at the girl. The girl squeaked again and covered her face.

"I have questions." Six said, moving towards her. The girl moved back farther, before backing up into a tree. She whimpered and looked at Six.

"What are you?" Six asked.

"I can't tell you that..." The girl said shakily.

"Why not?"

The girl gulped. "My mom s-said... not to let humans know about us..."

"Because you can turn into a fox? Because you have fox ears and nine fox tails?" Six pressed.

"Y-you saw...?" Fear was laced in the girls voice. She looked like she was about to cry.

"I did. What are you?"

The girl looked down. "... I'm a yokai." She finally admitted.

"A yokai? I thought they were myths." Six said. She sniffled and shook her head.

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