• Chapter 09 • Project

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Hey, a quick question. I'm thinking of making a playlist for their story. If you all have any songs in your mind that matches the story line than do tell me in the comments.

Anastasia's POV

I slammed my bag on the table. I sat down on the chair with a loud huff. The employees were staring at me weirdly but I don't give a damn. I ruffled my hairs and tried to calm my raging nerves.

How dar he insult me like that? What does he think he is? The freaking King of somewhere? God! I just hate his egoistic attitude.

He thinks the world revolves around him. Wait till I show you Aaron Atkinson. I'm will be your greatest doom.

With that thought in my mind, I released a long breath. I breathed in and out and finally get controlled over my raging hormones. I plastered a small smile on my lips and drink thought my cup of cappuccino.

Donna, Aaron's assistant walked to me before asking cautiously

"Bad morning, huh?"

Her voice clearly stated that she's here for the juicy details. She saw my and Aaron's interaction past the lobby. She thinks I didn't see her. But my hawk like eyes can't miss her. And by the way she was dressed in a bright red colored jumpsuit, she was a hard miss.

I gave her my bestest fake smile and shook my head before politely speaking

"No, no. Everything's fine."

She released a fake breath as if she cared about my day. She sat down on the table itself making me cringe. She tossed her hairs behind her back before chirping

"Well, that's great. When I saw you fighting with Mr. Aaron, I felt like something would happen today."

I looked at her in confusion. What does she mean by that? I folded my elbows beneath my chin before asking her genuinely curious

"What would have happened?"

My voice was icy and edgy. Maybe, she detected it because then she recoiled from the table. She stood up and nervously tucked her hairs behind her ear.

I motioned her to speak and she finally decided to open her chirpy mouth

"Well, you know...you two are famous for your rivalry. I thought you might create a big drama."

I closed my eyes trying to control myself. Who does she think she is? How can she just straight judge me like that? I didn't lose my calm and asked her trying my hardest not to be harsh in anyway

"Why would create a drama? Aaron could also right?"

I asked as a matter of fact. She nervously bit her lips before answering my question

"Well, aren't women meant to over-react? I mean they always make a big issue out of anything."

I felt disgusted at her mentality. I'm not a feminist. I believe everyone is equal whether it's men of women. But seriously her small thinking made me cringe. How can a woman think about other women like that?

I shook my head too shocked by her confession. I sighed before trying to explain her

"Look Donna, we are living in the 21st century now. Broaden your mentality and thoughts. I can only just say that."

She looked ashamed. I didn't want to embarrass her but I did want to make her guilty of what she said. She was about to leave when I again stopped her. She turned back and I warned her

"I would like it if you won't be eavesdropping my conversation with Aaron in the future, ok?"

She looked at me wide eyed before nodding her head and scurrying off. I heaved a deep breath of air before leaning back on my chair.

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