• Chapter 18 • Claim

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Hey guys, here's another update. I hope you all like it.

Aaron's POV (Edited)

To say that I was fuming with anger and rage when Anastasia pulled that stunt on event last week would be an understatement. I was seeing red and that was the first time I lost my temper.

It was the first time I let my emotions took over me. It was the first time I was clouded by irrationalty and let my bad temper took over me. I don't like a bit. I never liked when I couldn't control my own body. I liked to be in control of my own emotions but that was the first time, I was not in my own senses.

I'll hope it was probably the last.

I don't like face situations in rash or in anger. Violence is never the answer in my dictionary. But Anastasia knew how to push my buttons. She knew which button would be my endgame. She damn knew how to spite me.

She always knew.

So, when she confessed her true motives, I was hurt more than shocked. I thought that might be her appearing back in my life as a somewhat civil person would mend our broken relationship. I thought that maybe there was hope after all. Maybe, we can go back to what we were.

But her stunt and motive proved me wrong again.

Richmond's once betrayed us and stabbed us in the back. Now, I understand how grandpa would have felt when he was betrayed by his most trusted friend. I tend to think that the anger of my grandpa was exaggerated and stupid but now I understand the pain and feeling of betrayal. Because in the past, I wasn't the one getting betrayed but now..I am.

I didn't show my hurt though. I would be an idiot if I showed any movement of weakness infront of her. She would have used it against her. Honestly, I thought she wouldn't be like her family. I thought maybe she'll be different and would atleast respect given our past. But oh, I was so wrong.

She's a Richmond after all. You can't change your blood.

So, from that day, I decided to show her that how grave is it to mess with Aaron Atkinson. How much trouble will she be facing because of her not so innocent stunt. I have always tried not to show my worst business side to Anastasia. I might have never but she compelled me to. She's the sole blamer of it. She has always seen the calm and collected version of me. Now, she'll see the other me.

The one who is feared by everyone and the one who is the commander.

She will see how much I can be a devil as I can be a saint.


I smiled politely at the media before buttoning up my ivory suit jacket and leaving the spot. The media erupted into a bomb of questions such as 'Why did Ms. Richmond try to copy your stuff? 'How did she copy it?' Or what not.

But I paid no heed to them and entered inside my building. A beaming and cunning smile was plastered over my face. I went inside the lift and waited for it to reach my floor.

As soon as I stepped out, Donna greeted me. She showed me the iPad and spoke

"Sir, the media is demanding answers to their questions. They're also keen on knowing how Ms. Richmond was able to steal from us? The shareholders are also in panic and they also demanded an urgent meeting."

She spoke all in one breath. I pinched my eyebrows before giving her instructions

"Look, ask the security to scurry the media off. Also, told them that their questions will be answered soon. About the meeting, arrange it as you see possible."

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