• Chapter 46 • Guilt

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Anastasia's POV (Edited)

"Are you feeling a little better?"

Sarah quipped while sitting down beside me on the couch. She came soon after I called her. Aaron true to his words, left only when she came here. He bade farewell after that and hadn't come back yet. Sarah was pretty much confused when she heard that I was at Aaron's house.

Her eyebrows were pulled together when Aaron opened the door to her. She doesn't say anything then but the moment he left us alone, her eyes narrowed at me. But when she saw the awful state I was in, she just sat down beside me silently.

I remained quite for few minutes bracing myself to tell her everything. I was scared off her reaction. Sarah was the only person I never hide anything from. I hope she won't get mad after what I'm gonna tell her. Finally, releasing a long breath, I muttered

"Aaron and I are in a relationship."



Nothing. She doesn't speak. I remained rooted at my spot waiting for her dramatic reaction or gasp. But so far nothing has happened. My eyes were down-casted at my lap, too afraid to look at her. But when I wasn't getting any response from her, I got a little confused and looked up.

Sarah's expression were calm. There wasn't an ounce of shock or surprise was written on her face. She was sitting there like I didn't drop such a huge bomb on her.

"Aren't you gonna say something?"

I asked her, my voice hesitant and puzzled. This was not even the least reaction I expected from Sarah. She's always so cheery and I thought she might flip. But her quietness is what scaring me the most. If she doesn't speak for more, I'm gonna...

"I figured that much."

Finally, her response came. And it shocked me. My head whipped in her direction. My eyes spoke HOW! Sarah chuckled before she began

"Do you take me as a fool, Ana? I'm your best friend. Of course, I knew about it."

She spoke so causally like it wasn't even a big deal. But the question is, how did she figure it out?

"Since when did you know?"

I questioned. Honestly, I'm just too shocked. Sarah shrugged before answering

"Well, one must be a fool not to notice it. Aaron was always stealing glances at you whenever we both attended a function or a ball. You won't stop finding ways to interact him, whether you admit it or not. I always had a feeling that your once extinguished love will gonna rekindle one day. Well, that day came earlier than I expected though."

She finally concluded and turned her gaze towards me. I was at a loss of words. I never took Sarah as an observant. She always acted like she's doesn't give a damn. So, her analyzing it all kinda surprised me.

"I can be quite an observant when it comes to my loved ones, Ana."

My eyes teared up before I hugged her. She got surprised by my sudden action but nonetheless wrapped her arms around me. It felt good hugging her. She's one those people that will never leave me in my dark days. She's my pillar and without her, I won't stand.

"Woah! Don't go all sentimental on me. You know I'm not good at these things."

Her off handed remark made me laugh. See, I told you, Sarah never fails to lighten up my mood. I pulled away before wiping my tears. Sarah sighed before asking

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